Thursday, September 25, 2008

Saturday 27th September 2008 - The Warehouse

Time: 8am

3 rounds of 2 rep continuous KB sequence
25 ball slams @ 10kg

- Teams of 2
- 2 minutes at each station (swap after 1 minute)
- 1 minute to change stations

1. Virtual shovelling / 5 x two hand KB clean & press
2. Tyre flips / 5 x burpees
3. Pullups / 15 x squats
4. Heavy KB swings / feet higher than hands static ring hold
[5. Rope pulls / 15 x pushups]

5 rounds, 2min rest between rounds


Jason said...

Great call on the virtual shovelling Grover!

Paul said...

oh hell yes, can't wait to give that a crack!!

Paul said...

there were eventually (!) 6 of us so working in teams of 2.

after we went through the continuous sequence, ball slams were done outside and it was a good thing too. jason was hyping his quality home made med ball (basketball full of sand) and how it had lasted perfectly for 2 years and just as he finished saying it on my 4th slam it split open. hilarity ensued.

We kept the main circuit to 4 stations and 5 rounds, it worked well. the rest periods may have been a touch long but the work periods could not have been longer in most cases. virtual shovelling will no doubt be a staple for the curlers in the warehouse from now on!

good session, lots of work, not as much sweat as usual and a few laughs.