Monday, March 31, 2008

Tuesday 1st April 2008 - SB bootcamp

Time: 5:00PM

Place: Top of Jacobs ladder, Kings Park

Equipment: KB (2x16, 2x20, 1x24)

Endurance Session: Jacobs/Kokoda Run
Rod 15 minutes, Paul 12 ½ minutes, Damon 12 minutes

Workout - "I pity the fool"
KB swing and step - bottom of Jacobs up Cliff St to Mount St
(2 handed KB swing - take 1 normal step - 2 handed KB swing)
run KB back to top of Jacobs
1 x ladder
3 rounds

Friday, March 28, 2008

Saturday 29th March 2008 - Success

Where: Success playground
When: 7:30am

Equipment: KB of choice for complex, ropes, 1 x rings (PG to bring), 1 timing watch each

KB complex

Puke Inducer

Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Rest precisely three minutes between each round.

We are going to set up some equipment and try a few things

Muscle up
Rope climb
KB pull with rope
Pole climb

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

26th March 2008 - Parliament Place Park

Location: Perth Observatory Park (opposite Parliament House)

Time: 17:15

Equipment: KB (2x20), Sled with chain, weight plates (80kg), Rope, bag of chains

Warm up: KB complex with 20m sprint between each exercise change

Exercise Circuit

A: 2 x parliament park ladder runs with bag
(this sets the time for the switch to the next exercise)
B: rope pull with 2 x 20kg KBs uphill
C: backward sled drag @ body weight

Max rounds in 30 minutes

Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday 24 March 2008

Time: 5:30PM

Place: Top of Jacobs ladder, Kings Park

Equipment: Weight Plates (1 x 10, 1 x 20)

Endurance Session: Jacobs/Kokoda Run
Rod 15 1/2 minutes
Damon 12 minutes

Strength Endurance Session: Hardcore 6

6 x walking lunge to weight plate press +
6 x weight plate OH squat +
6 x weight plate wood chop +
6 x weight plate rotational lift and press (3 each side) +
6 flights of Jacobs (1/2 way down) holding weight plate

6 rounds (rest 6 half minutes between each set)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Principle Aim of Strength Training, The Authentic Heart

Reflection from Rob McNamara (a friend of mine over at

“Strength training is fundamentally not interested in getting you stronger, getting more muscle or getting in shape. To follow these common side effects, or to chase after these often worshipped conventional benefits is to be confused at a very basic level. Strength training is fundamentally invested not in you getting somewhere, but in you growing in your capacity to be here right now. This is the principle aim of this discipline. To miss this essential point is to miss everything. Now lift to discover the fullness of who you are right now, train to embrace your most essential freedom.”

Rob McNamara

Easter Saturday 2008 - Jacobs Ladder - Zerchs Revenge

Location: Jacob's Ladder
Time: 17:45
Equipment: Kettlebells – 2 x 8; 2 x 12; 2 x 16; 2 x 20; 2 x 24; 1 x 32; 1 x 40; back pack; parallettes; timer

Warm up:Kokoda Run

Exercise Circuit
KB one armed row
Goblet squat with kettlebell
Parallette pushups with backpack on back
KB Sumo High pull
1 minute each for maximum reps.

1 x ladder

A 2 minute break in the routine at the end of each circuit.

Repeat circuit 5 times

Kokoda run

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"Our warmup is your workout"

While I don't especially agree with the entire sentiment or the words used, this small blog post about Crossfit and Coach Glassman made some sense to me.

This quote more than anything:

"Of all the things I hate about exercise culture, the most hateful is the pontificating about form. Exercise should be kind of primitive and stupid and entirely physical; it should not require flourishes and perfect sneakers and 10 sessions of learning minutiae before you even break a sweat."
It resonates with a post I made some months back.

Move. Move fast, move lots, add weight.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

wednesday 19th at the ladder! ITS RAINING KETTLEBELLS...

DAY 1 (Wednesday) at the ladder

Warm up with sand bag relay, if you are not running with sand bag, you are executing hovers to push ups, holding at each point for no more than 2 seconds, in other words, quick change overs.
X3 - Non stop, no rest in between rounds, everyone to complete 3 rounds

KB 2 handed clean and jerk. Breathing ladder: 1 - 10 – 1

REST 2 – 3mins

Litvinov Conversion: 2 (10 x goblet squat + 10 x deck squat + 10 Heavy KB swing + 10 x single arm KB snatches each arm + 1 x ladder sprint) resting 2 mins between conversions.

Litvinov Conversion: 2 (50 x parallette push ups + 20 total step ups on bench with HEAVY KB in goblet position + 1 x ladder with chains) resting 2 mins between conversions.

2 x mount st sprints – BACK TO BACK, no resting

Vomit and recover

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Saturday 15th March 2008 - Kensington

Time: 7:30AM

Where: Kensington Primary School

Equipment: Bar, Weights (6x20, 2x10, 2x5), KB (2x16, 2x20,2x24), sled, DB (12), parallette

3 groups of exercises / stations to be repeated twice by each person. Each station is 10mins non stop with a constant only 2mins rest in between each 10 min block, in other words there is 60 mins of work and only 10 mins of total rest. In a mild sense you could call this an SMMF.

Deadlifts at body weight in sand x 10 +
Burpies in sand x 8 +
Pull ups x 8 +
Short up hill sprint
X 10mins (repeat the above constantly for 10mins)


Double Handed KB Thrusters x 15 +
KB swings x 20 +
Parallette Push ups x 25 +
200m sprint
X 10mins (repeat the above constantly for 10mins)


Flying Burpies x 25m +
Sprint x 25m +
Heavy sled drags walking with light KB’s above head x 50m +
Man Makers x 8
X 10mins (repeat the above constantly for 10mins)



Sunday, March 9, 2008

Wednesday 12th March 2008 - King Park

Date: 12 March 2008

Time: 5:15PM

Where: Meet at top of Jacobs

Equipment: KB (2x16, 4x20, 4x24, 2x8), SB (Chains), DB (12, 10, 8)

Warm up

Sand bag relay, if you are not running with sand bag, you are executing hovers to push ups, holding at each point for no more than 2 seconds, in other words, quick change overs.
X3 - Non stop, no rest in between rounds, everyone to complete 3 rounds


Max KB single arm snatches at desired weight x 5mins +
2x Jacobs hard +
5mins REST


Max number of 2 handed KB clean and press at desired weight x 5mins +
2 x Jacobs ladder hard +
5mins REST


Max number of Man Makers at desired weight x 5mins (these can be done at top of cliff st, on grass area +
Jacobs ladder Hard with chains or KB +
5mins REST


All to take off simultaneously for reverse KAKODA run.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Warehouse Gym - 2008 Ultimate CrossFit Perth "Tactical Strength Challenge"


Details and location for the Tactical Strength Challenge (TSC). I have registered for the event and ill meet you down there at about 8:30.


TSC is a competition consisting of three seperate events. Scores on each are totalled to arrive at a winner.

1) Maximum Effort Deadlift
2) Maximum Effort Dead Hang Pullups (weighted for men)
3) 5 minute Kettlebell Snatch Test

There are only two divisions (no weight divisions)

Men's Division - Pullups are with 10kg added
Kettlebell snatches are done with a 24kg kettlebell

When: Sunday 9th March
8.30am to 11.30am

Where: Warehouse Fitness Centre
Hampton Road, South Fremantle

Ultimate CrossFit Perth operates at The Warehouse Gym, Hampton Road, South Fremantle, just 5 minutes from Fremantle's famous cappucino strip and a short jog to the beach.

View Larger Map

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Top Ten!

After today's session Stef and I got to talking about bang for your buck exercises, he was opining that the TGU would be in his top 5 while I wouldn't have even thought about it.

So we thought it would be a cool idea to see what everyones top ten bang for your buck, most enjoyable, don't leave home without it, strength/power exercises are; basically, if you could only take 10 with you to a desert island, what would they be?

Feel free to rank them if you want but it isn't necessary.

We are at about the 12 month mark of when we started training together so this will be interesting to look back on in the future too!

Post your list in the comments.

- grover

Saturday 8th March - Success!

Time: 7:30am
Location: Success playground (see map & link below)
Equipment: 2x16kg KB, 1x20kg KB, 1x24kg KB, 2xOly Bar, 2x20kg plates (DB), 2x10kg plates (PG), 4x5kg plates (PG), 1x20m rope

View Larger Map,115.848041&spn=0.02674,0.040169&t=h&z=15

KB Complex

EnerZercher Rodney!

It's all relative! We are going to do roughly the same amount of work, relative to bodyweight.

Some exercises we will change the weight (such as bodyweight exercises or kettlebells) and others we will adjust the reps.

For instance, if I weigh 50kg and you weigh 100kg, we both deadlift 100kg but I would do it for 10 reps (100kg x 10 = 1,000kg / 50kg = 2,000% of bodyweight) and you would do it for 20 reps (100kg x 20 = 2,000kg / 100kg = 2,000% of bodyweight), we have both done the same amount of work relative to bodyweight.

As the ratios below are not exact, reps or weight has been rounded up.

PG = 70kg
RK = 70kg
SS = 80kg
DB = 105kg

There are 5 stations, wait until the last person has finished before moving to the next one

1: Deadlift @ 60kg (857%)
PG x 10
RK x 10
SS x 12
DB x 15

2: 5 x pullups, 10 x decline pushups
2 rounds

3: Power Clean (ground to shoulders) @ 45kg (514%)
PG x 8
RK x 8
SS x 10
DB x 12

4: KB Swing x 25
PG @ 16kg
RK @ 16kg
SS @ 20kg
DB @ 24kg

5: 10 x Rope smash

7 Rounds continuous

Monday, March 3, 2008


good session today boys! fantastic! hard work, and it went smoothly! im proud of everyone! i feel we are all progressing very well! i, myself have been not off track or il commited, but i have been slightly scattered lately, i mean that i havnt been 100% and therefore this has also affected my physical training, but i want you all to know and be sure that it has not affected my commitment to what we are here for and what we are all striving for, firstly as a unit and secondly as individuals (or vice verca). my commitment to sweating blood and to you guys is stronger than ever, i feel obligated to do my best for myself and for all of you, that encompasses, me being there, in any way, shape or form, my obligation comes not out of necessaty, but deep from my heart becasue i yearn to, i strive to be there for all of you whether its programming designing, inspiring in any way i can, pushing you all to your best, support, advice, guidence, whatever, whenever.

i write this becasue i feel that my actions are not fully expressing what i feel inside, i am aware that in the past 3 - 4 weeks i have missed a couple of sessions, and that really hurts and upsets me, for a number of reasons, and one being that i feel i am letting you down, and i humbally apologise for that, i am doing my best to get my self balanced on all levels, so what i am also attempting to say is thank you also for your patience, support and acceptance! i acknowledge all of this and more. and when i am there, i will give my best with whatever i have to give at the time!!!!

i love you all,and am more than proud to know you all, and be affiliated with you on a training level and to also have your friendship!


and always... SWEAT BLOOD!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

dedicated to the "rabbit"!!! why? why not???

Sand bag relay up cliff st, if your not sprinting your hovering)
X2. So we all run up and down with heavy sand bag

1 x Jacobs sprint +
25 parelette push ups +
Sprint backwards up cliff st +
Max pull ups with towel off street sign +
Heavy Turkish half get ups on grass up top x 10 total +
Sprint back down then repeat

OPTIONAL – kakoda run for time