Friday, September 12, 2008

Saturday 13th September 2008 - The Warehouse

Time: 8am

Active Warmup
5 – 10mins

40 x body squats
4 x muscle ups
30 x body squats
6 x muscle ups
20 x body squats
8 x muscle ups
10 x body squats
10 x muscle ups

Rest 3-5mins

40 x KB snatches
4 x man makers
30 x KB snatches
6 x man makers
20 x KB snatches
8 x man makers
10 x KB snatches
10 x man makers

Tabata row 3min
Rest 3min
3 Rounds


1 comment:

Paul said...

hoo boy.

a fun morning with me, stef and anthony.

the squats weren't a problem at all, but subbing 84 pullups and 84 dips took some doing.

stef clearly had a different idea when he wrote up the program judging by his reaction when i suggested he use the 24kg kb's for snatches and man-makers... but he used them anyway. i used the 20's and anthony the 16's.

sweet merciful crap that hurt. stef switched to the 20's for man-makers and i switched to the 24 for snatches for 20x and 10x.

serious, serious effort and i am seriously sore in my entire upper body. wiped out after the session.

we scrapped the rowing :)

this is what it's about, going heavy and finding limits, pushing through to find more. heavy man-makers are becoming a fast favourite of mine.