Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wednesday 30th July 2008 - Jacob's Ladder

Time: 5PM

Equipment: Paralettes and all the KB's we can muster


Half x Jacobs +
10 x snatches each arm +
10 x paralette push ups +
Half x Jacobs +
15 x snatches each arm +
15 x paralette push ups +
Half x Jacobs +
20 x snatches each arm +
20 x paralette push ups
1 x Jacobs +
10 x 2 handed KB cleans +
10 x 2 handed KB Jerks +
1 x Jacobs +
15 x 2 handed KB cleans +
15 x 2 handed KB Jerks +
1 x Jacobs +
20 x 2 handed KB cleans +
20 x 2 handed KB Jerks +
1 x Jacobs +
Rest – 3 - 5mins +
5 x 5 windmills - heavy

"To be sent via Air mail only, the fastest way!"

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sunday 27th July 2008 - Kensington Primary

Time: 1600

Equipment: 1 KB each, 1 x sledge, 1 x tyre, 1 x 20m rope, 1 x medium sandbag

5 x continuous KB sequence: 3 reps/movement, alternate OHS & windmill each set)

eg first round is 3 x snatch, get down, 3 x floor press, get up, 3 x OHS, 3 x swing, switch hands and repeat; second round is 3 x snatch, get down, 3 x floor press, get up, 3 x windmill, 3 x swing, switch hands and repeat etc

Hellfire on the Big Tyre!
Teams of 2 (assuming there will be 6 of us); 3 stations

Station 1: tyre & sledge (flips & sledge swings)
Station 2: 20m rope with 1 end weighted appropriately (whip smash & rope pull)
Station 3: playground & sandbag (pullups & alternate shoulder sb cleans)


- station 1 is in control of the timing, when the person at station 1 completes the prescribed tyre flips or sledge swings for that round, everyone stops and switches
- only 1 team member active on a station at a time (ie other team member is resting / 'encouraging' / counting reps
- tyre flip rep scheme is 10-10-10-10-10
- sledge swings rep scheme is 10-20-30-40-50 with a rest after the 30 rep set

if the teams are T1, T2, T3 and the team members are T1a, T1b, T2a, T2b etc then first round looks like: 10 tyre flips by T1a on S1 while T2a on S2 doing whip smash, T3a doing pullups until T1a finished. then T1b 10 tyre flips, T2b whip smash, T3b pullups. then T1a sledge swings, T2a whip smash etc

* effectively 4 rounds at each station before rotating stations
* once all the teams have completed all stations, move to next rep scheme

just f up and i'll explain it on saturday.

flippin and swingin:

Towards the end of the continuous sequence, notice Damon forgets the swings after the OHS and puts the (24kg) bell down between switching hands; also notice Rod's impeccable form on the get-down:

Damon going to town on the tyre:

Monday, July 21, 2008

Saturday, July 19, 2008

my training whist away - sundays program is below

In transit to USA – GYM JONES


Jujitsu at Johnny’s – 2hrs. very fatigued, adjusting to altitude, but good rolling around, light and easy


Am: Training with mark Johnny and james

Power clean to front squat to jerk – every 30sec for 10mins @ 95 # (easy)

Rower – 2 x 4min of 30sec on 30sec off.
3mins rest between blocks

Stationary frog jumps – 2 x 4min of 30sec on 30sec off
2mins rest between blocks

Jujitsu at will bernales

Jujits at Johnny and james – 2.5hrs

28.06.08 & 27.06.08 (seminar training)

“Tail Pipe”
250m row +
KB Rack Holds @ 24kg whilst partner rows

KB Complex:
Single arm swings+
Goblet squat +
Round the waist +
Halo +
Single arm OHS +
Deck squat +
Figure 8’s +
Half TGU (only crunch up until shoulder blades leave floor) +
Full TGU

Pull up ladder (team of four)
1 – 6 X3

30/30 work rest. 18pound KB push press X total of 4mins, when resting arms straight up in the air

1RM DEAD LIFT TEST – I did 190kg / 420pounds!!!

Jones Crawl for time –
Dead lifts @ 115% of BW x 10 +
Box jumps on 24inch box x 25
RECORD TIME – 3:53mins


Wall ball +
Squat holds +
Alternating tyre flips with partner +
Alternating Sand bag cleans (anyhow) with partner +
Burpie to ball slam +
Rope pulls
All stations to be completed for 1;30 with a 30sec transitory rest
X2 + 24mins total! HARD

Warm Up:
10 Minute Row
Tabata Row (8x20 seconds work/10 seconds rest)
Maintain > 90m Pace
Then, "Jonestown Sprint"
Push Press @ 75#/Burpee Pull Ups
20/20 - 10/10
Then, "Airdyne to Hell"
Team Ladder of 50-40-30-20-10 Calories
Round 1 looks like P1 Airdyne to 50 calories, P2 Rest, Switch
Round 2 looks like P1 Airdyne to 40 calories, P2 Rest, Switch
Row Results:
111m, 102m, 99m, 92m, 94m, 93m, 91m, 93m

5hr hike in 35 degree heat, awesome!

Rest day / hike


AM: 10min warm up on rower

3 x 20 swings @ 24kg KB
3 x 10 2 handed cleans at 20kg KB

1RM build up to power clean
195# NEW PB

2handed cleans @ 32kg KB’s x 5 +
BB Jerk @ 125# x 3

Work to 1RM TGU
Did 32kg KB & 85# on a barbell

PM: Jujitsu – 2hrs


Warm Up:
10 Minute Row
15x Bench Press @ 50% (115#) +
Maintain 75 calorie pace on Airdyne
3 Minute Airdyne +
90 Seconds Rest
Airdyne Results: 48, 47, 42, 43
15x Bench Press @ 60% (135#) +
3 Minute Airdyne +
90 Seconds Rest
12x Bench Press @ 70% (155#) +
3 Minute Airdyne +
90 Seconds Rest
12x Bench Press @ 70% (155#) +
3 Minute Airdyne +
90 Seconds Rest
Rest 3 Minutes
15x Back Squat @ 50% (145#) +
Maintain 750m pace on Rower
3 Minute Row +
90 Seconds Rest
Rowing Results: 758m, 756m, 732m, 755m
15x Back Squat @ 60% (170#) +
3 Minute Row +
90 Seconds Rest
12x Back Squat @ 70% (200#) +
3 Minute Row +
90 Seconds Rest
12x Back Squat @ 70% (200#) +
3 Minute Row +
90 Seconds Rest
2x Atomic Sit Ups + 20 DB Push Press @ 2x25# + 20 KB Swing @ 44# + 2 Minute Jump Rope
3 Rounds/Rest 1 Minute in between rounds

7.5km row – light easy

6 way advanced BB complex – light – 55 – 65#

1 – 6 pull up ladder

Practice overhead squats with med ball

Hanging drills – light


10min warm up on rower

6way advanced BB complex @ 85 – 95#

30sec push up support +
10 x push press @ 35# DB’s +
30sec push up support +
9 x push press @ 35# DB’s +
….. all the way to 1

BB bentover row x 8 @ 115# +
Pull ups x 8 +
Bentover row x 8 @ 115# +
Pull ups x 8 +
Bentover row x 6 @ 115# +
Pull ups x 6 +
2 – 3mins rest


PM: Jujitsu with Johnny and james



Warm Up:
10 Minute Row
Front Squat/Box Jump
10/10 @ 55% (130#)
6/6 @ 85% (200#)
4x(3x@90% + 5x Jumps) (200#) Kept weight at 200#
3x Band Resisted Pull Ups + 5x Normal Pull Ups (Explosive)
5 Rounds
Cool Down:
Ab Cluster (20x 30sec. Random Ab Movements)
10mins of the AB Cluster

PM: Jujitsu – 2.5hrs at Bernales

08.07.08 – Training with Mark Johnny and James

Workout: Row 10 minutes @ easy pace to warm up Then: Air Dyne 8x20-sec work/ 10-sec rest @ 10-12 calories per interval pace Rest 2 minutes Then: 50x Pull-up + 100x Push-up + 150x Squat (partition as desired, i.e. use ladders or split work) Then: Row 8x 20-sec work/ 10-sec rest @ 6-8 calories per interval pace Then: 10x Fat Bar DL @ 106# + 30-second Dead Hang from fat rope + 2x “lap” Wrist Roller @ 43# of chain Then: 3x2 minute overhead static hold with Slosh Pipe Rest between sets while others do the same
Stef: AirDyne = 22, 14, 12, 12, 12 11, 12, 12 calories per interval, Row = 8, 7, 7, 7, 6, 5, 7, 7 calories per interval

PM: Jujits at Johnny and James – 2.5hrs


Jujitsu at Johnny and James - 2.5hrs

Warm Up:
KB Swing, KB Snatch, Drop Snatch @ PVC, Drop Snatch @ BB
Snatch Hi-Pull from Rack/Snatch from Floor
2x3 Each @ 85%/55%
2x2 Each @ 110%/75%
1x2 Each @ 120%/90%
2x1 Each @ 130%/105%
1x1 Each @ 130%/113%
1x1 Each @ 130%/118%
Cool Down: 300 Second Ring Support

9000ft elevation – trail running. 9kms



Warm Up:
10 Minute Row


KB Swing @ 53#
Pull Up

Then, 3x 60m Sled Drag + 2x Rope Climb
Weights: 230#, 270#, 340#
Cool Down: 30x Medicine Ball Toss over Squat Rack Bar
2 Rounds

12.07.08 (in vegas)

Steady run 30 – 35mins

Hindu push up ladder with TJ – 1 – 11

Push up ladder – 1 – 10 -1


TJ and I

Warm up rower – 10mins

6 way advanced BB complex @ 95#

Dead lifts x 5 @ 195# +
Burpies x 10
X5 (for time)

30 / 30 – 4mins shoulder press @ 25#. Resting with arms straight up.
REST 4mins
30 / 30 body squats and rest is in a squat hold

Immediately followed by team pull up ladder
1 – 6

1 x 10 toes to face


15.07.08 (in transit in Norita, Japan)

Hindu push up ladder – 1 – 6 X3

16.07.08 (in transit in Singapore)

hindu push up ladder 1-6 x3 back to backthen100 lunges with singlae arm overhead back pack holdsthen50 squats with back pack onthen60step ups with single arm overhead back pack holdsthen10 x push ups with back pack on +10 x squats with back pack onX3then60 atomic sit ups

Boxing – 1.5hrs, felt awesome, best iv punched in a long time, felt good and endured on bag, hard, fast punches

19.07.08 (with Joe. B)

Warm up on rower

6 way advanced BB complex with 45kg BB

500m sprint on rower +
20 x paralette push ups +
20 x burpies +
20 x goblet squats +
20 x push press at 12.5kg +
20 x swing @ 24kg +
20 x knees to elbows +
20 x box jumps

5 x single arm swing each arm @ 24kg KB +
10 x pull ups
5 x single arm swing each arm @ 24kg KB +
9 x pull ups +
….. all the way down to 1 pull up

Stretch – DONE!

all stamped out

Jacobs @ 5pm

Equip: Damons heavy med ball and light med ball, 12kg KB's, 8kg KB's, 2 x 16kg, 3 x 20kg, all the sandbags (4), 24kg KB, damons and pauls light DB's if possible, the boss timer, rods and damons paralettes, lots of stamps and lots of love

warm up - throwing med balls and med ball carries, stef will elaborate - 10mins

Circuit 1: lick the stamp

1 x ladder hard +
10 x Half TGU each arm+
Paralette push ups x 20 +
Sprint up Cliff street +
20 x split jumps +
walk down for rest then immediately repeat above circuit

Circuit 2: place the stamp accordingly and correctly

10 x sand bag cleans +
10 x sand bag burpie to clean to jerk +
half ladder sprint with sand bag +
rest 1min

Circuit 3: send the letter

30sec on / 30sec off of push press for 4mins total, count reps when on, when in off the rest is arms straight up in the air. aim for 70reps

rest 2mins

30sec on / 30sec off of stationary frog jumps - 4mins total. (small squat then powerful jump). in the rset just move around. aim for 28 reps per 30sec block. rule: what ever reps you get you must better it next 30sec

rest 2mins

30sec on / 30sec off of burpies for 4mins total. in the rest just move around. aim for 8 reps per 30sec active

cooldown and rest and rejoice in the perfect stamp application...

NOTES: rod may have to get equip from damon earlier during the day??? ring me if any dramas


Friday, July 18, 2008

airport training...14 - 16th of july

norita - japan - 45min refueling stop over

hindu push up ladder. 1 -6 x3 back to back


singapore airport - singapore - 8hr stop over

hindu push up ladder 1-6 x3 back to back

100 lunges with singlae arm overhead back pack holds

50 squats with back pack on

60step ups with single arm overhead back pack holds

10 x push ups with back pack on +
10 x squats with back pack on

60 atomic sit ups

thats the way!


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Wednesday 16 July 2008

Time: 17:00
Place: DNA Tower
Equipment: Medicine Ball (5 kg); Rings; Kettlebells (2 ea 12kg, 16kg, 20kg)

Warm Up: 300/400 metre sprint to trees followed by DNA dash (twice)

Session - same format as Sunday (Fight Gone Really Bad) - max reps in 1 minute each of:
- Medicine ball walkovers
- Twisting lunges with kettlebell
- Superman rings
- Kettlebell swings
- Bicycle kicks
1 minute rest
- repeated for a total of 5 rounds

Friday, July 11, 2008


had a PB tday boys. 135pounds full snatch! lots of snatches today, and high pulls

then ate and rested for about 40mins, then rowed 9000m and did a pull up ladder of 1 - 10 with TJ.

then in the evening went trail running 3000m above sea level, big hills, in the forest, deluxe, about 8.6kms! very good..

miss you guys

much love


Sunday 13th July 2008 - Fight Gone Really bad

Time: 8:00AM
Place: Kensington Primary
Equipment: KB (20, 16), Barbell (30kg), Medicine Balls (2kg, 5kg and 10kg), Gymboss timer

Warm up
Medicine ball drill (see description in notes for exercises)
Tabata (20 sec on 10 sec rest for 4 minutes) x 2 with rest in between sets

Kneel to pushup +
V-ups +
Squat throw from chest

Max reps in one minute intervals of

Wall ball sit ups +
KB thrusters +
Wall jumps +
Barbell Push press (30kg) +
Burpees +
5 rounds (count total reps)

Medicine Ball (5kg) Kneel to Pushup
Start Position: Your body will be in an upright position sitting on your knees. Hold 5kg medicine ball at chest level. Keeping your torso erect fall forward and chest press the medicine ball to a partner or a wall. Upon releasing the ball drop your hands to the floor and immediately complete a push-up

Medicine Ball (2kg) V-Ups
1) Start position: Lie back onto floor with knees straight, both hands extended behind your head holding a medicine ball. Keep elbow back and out of sight. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
2) Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominal and raise shoulders off floor or bench. Extend arms and also raise legs up toward ceiling.
3) Return to start position

Medicine Ball (10kg) Squat Throw from Chest
1. Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Knees should be slightly bent.
2.Hold medicine ball at chest level and squat down to a parallel position.
3.Quickly explode up and jump as high as you can. As you start your jump you should start to shoulder press the ball up and reach full extensions with the arms when you are at the peak of your jump. Push ball as high as possible into the air. Try to minimize the time spent in the squatted position. It should be a real quick squat and jump.

Damon putting a dent in the wall

Rod mid-burpee

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

my heart weaps as i am so far away...

why? BECAUSE there is only one true way to sweat blood, and that is with blue, paul and jaws...


great workouts you guys are doing! fantastic! really working hard! im so proud of you all! i will blog all my workouts when i return, just a short note for today,l to let you guys know, i am truly thinking of you back home, its great here, but home is home... :)

ok il let you guys know what i did today, nearly two hours of work, an dlet me tell you johnny and i were really feeling it! we will try this one back home, it is very fatiguing! very different, today was an exeriment, as this paryticular workout hasnt been done before in this sequence, etc...

warm up - 10 15mins row with some short sprints

airdyne (deluxe but hell) 8 x 20sec/10sec - aim for 8 - 10 cal per 20sec
rest 2mins

50 x pull ups
100 x push up
150 x air squat
to do anyway / sequence
rest 2mins

rower - 8 x 20sec/10sec - aim for 6 - 8 cal per 20sec


grip work between myself, josh, mark, johnny and james

fat bar DL at 106pound +
30sec fat rope pull ups holds +
2 x forearm twists
x3 (rest as required)

3 x 2min OH slosh pipe holds
between me, josh, james and johnny - lots of rest

but let me tell you doesnt look like much, but fuck! it hurt! bad, going all out on the tabatas, were hell! it really puts u in a hole..

guys my time here has definently not been wasted, it has been a joyous experience thus far, and all the guys here are brilliant, tony is an awsome traininer and they are all a wealth of knowledge? why? becasue they commit themselves to be... its that simple, i have learnt much, and we have much to discuss when i return, in terms of structuring training, and goal setting, etc, we have alot to speak about and go through! i wont say much here, we will speak in person, and that is not far away!

much love to my brothers, i think of you all the time, and when im here and hurting, i tell myself to keep pushing, becasue i am in a blessed position, and must take advantage of this tremendous opportunity, not only for myself, but for my freinds back home in perth...

train hard, allow the mind to go and the body has but no choice to follow

sweat blood and love much

yours humbally




Friday, July 4, 2008

Crossfit Games 2008 - SB Challenge 5th and 9th July

Date and Time: Saturday 5th July (in own time) and Wednesday 9th July (5:00PM - meet at top of Kokoda)

Equipment: Barbell (option to load with up to 125kg for DL, and 42kg for thruster), pull-up bar


This weekend is the Crossfit games and we have decided for the SB bootcamp to replicate the games workout and format, abiet modified timing and scaling of weights as an option.

Crossfit Games standards

The intent is for us each to do the following on the weekend:

Workout 1

Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
Thrusters @ 42kg

and then within the hour complete

Workout 2

Five rounds for time of:
5 Deadlifts @ 125kg
10 Burpees

combine the times and post on the blog........

On Wednesday Bootcamp the format will be

Workout 3 in-lieu of the 750M steep uphill run

Start at the bottom of Kokoda, run up and touch the war memorial note time +
Jog back down to bottom of Kokoda +
Run up again touch the war memorial note time

Workout 4 (propose the undercover area at the womans memorial park)

30 x Clean/Squat/Jerk at 70% of body weight for time

It matters little on the final result compared to others in the group and no winner will be declared. The time will serve as a reference only to ones individual progress on this path of training.


Paul and Cam link of results to the Crossfit Perth website