Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sunday 17 February 2008

Location: Jacob's Ladder
Time: 16:00
Equipment: Kettlebells - 2 x 12; 2 x 16; 2 x 20; 2 x 24; parallettes; 10 kg medicine ball; timer

Warm up:
Kokoda Run (Secondary metric applies) - see * below

Exercise Circuit 1:
Lunge with kettlebell
Parallette pushups
Bunny hops with medicine ball
Kettlebell swing
- 1 minute each for maximum reps except Run which is for 30 seconds. A 30 second break in the routine follows the 30 second run. Timer to sound every 30 seconds.

Repeat circuit 5 times

Exercise Circuit 2
Pull ups (circuit)
5 minutes

Kokoda run
(Primary metric applies) - see ** below

Cool down
2 ladder rotations

* Secondary metric - this run must be within 1 minute of personal best
** Primary metric - this run must be quicker than the warm up run


Damon said...

Rod, proud of you for making an effort to design and post this program on the blog, good work.

A couple of points/questions:

we don't have a 10kg medicine ball, we could either use the 5kg MB, 10kg sandbag or the lighter kettlebell.

The pull up exercise - we could use rings as there is no pull up bar around. Would like some more detail on what you want to do with this one.

Again Rod good work

Rod said...

The sandbag will do for the bunnyhops then, Damon. No equipment needed for the pull-ups, except perhaps a towel.