Friday, February 29, 2008

Saturday 1st March 2008

Place: Cottesloe Beach (On the beach in front of Indianas)

Time: 7:30am

Equipment: KB (2x16, 20, 24)

Warm up: KB Complex

Workout: 30/30 intervals combined with swim around the pylon

30/30 intervals: 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of “rest” taken in a compromised position, repeated four times, 4 minutes total (per movement)

Swim around Cottesloe Pylon


30/30 Push-up (rest locked out at top, aka Forward Leaning Rest)


Swim around Cottesloe Pylon


30/30 KB Swing = Dead Hang (rest between KBS intervals is the Dead Hang)


Swim around Cottesloe Pylon


30/30 One Arm KB Push Press (rest is taken with KB held overhead with arms locked-out; switch hands after each rest)


Swim around Cottesloe Pylon


30/30 Squat (rest in bottom hold of squat, thighs parallel to floor)


Swim around Cottesloe Pylon

Scored by total number of reps, actual rest may be taken during work intervals because it reduces score, player must not fall out of position during “rest” intervals – the penalty is an extra round for every infraction. Also note time for each swim.

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