Friday, February 29, 2008

3rd March 2008 - Kensington

Where: Kensington Primary

When: 5:00PM

Equipment: Plates (6x20, 2x10), Sled, fat rope, KB (2x 20, 2x24, 1x16), Heavy Sandbag

Warm Up: Heat the Pan
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
10 rounds for time

Workout: Old School Sweating Blood Strength Challenges

11) Harnessed sled bear crawl/push-up combo: Attach harness, weight will be relatively light (20-30kg), bear crawl 25M - 20 push ups - for 200M or 10 minutes

2) 2) Fat Rope with attached Kettlebell Rope Pulling for 10 minutes – attach rope to the kettlebell. Standing with a slight squat, pull the rope hand over hand until the Kettlebell reaches your feet. That equals one rep. Continue for as many reps as possible in a 10 minute time period and record your reps.

3) 3) 20KG Plate relay: take all the 20kg I have and pile them in one spot. Pick one or two at a time, jog them to the end line 15M away, keep going until all the plates are piled at the finish line. Repeat this work for 10 minutes non stop.

4) 4) One Kilometer (3 lap of Kensington) Sand Bag Walk – using a sandbag half of your bodyweight (no need to be perfect but get close to it), you are going to carry the sandbag for 1km without allowing the bag to touch the ground. Hold the bag any way you want In front of body or on the shoulder – push to your max, pick that bag up and haul ass!



Paul said...

time for heat the pan: 6:37, a new PB by about 15seconds!

I thought this was a great session, good level of intensity on a warm afternoon.

bear crawl was probably the hardest for me, it was a real grind.

really liked the rope pull with 2x20kg KBs! That worked well.

Damon said...

Damon time for "Heat the pan": 7:22

Good to get back to old school strength training again after a couple of months of grinding endurance type of training