Friday, March 28, 2008

Saturday 29th March 2008 - Success

Where: Success playground
When: 7:30am

Equipment: KB of choice for complex, ropes, 1 x rings (PG to bring), 1 timing watch each

KB complex

Puke Inducer

Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Rest precisely three minutes between each round.

We are going to set up some equipment and try a few things

Muscle up
Rope climb
KB pull with rope
Pole climb


Paul said...

well babs is a tough old broad but we all managed to finish her off.

we all split her in half so it looked like (10-15-20-25) x 2 for each round, all of mine were unbroken but i'm not so sure about rod and mike.

times as follows:
RK 4:12, 4:26, 5:05, 5:03, 4:50
PG 3:18, 3:33, 4:06, 3:50, 3:20
ML 3:49, 4:47, 6:10, 5:56, 6:06

although we all have developed good core strength, the ab isolation really takes its toll in this workout, i felt queazy for some time afterwards and my abs were smashed.

definitely one to revisit.

also had the rings set up and had a play around with those and the other playground equipment, gotta say i really like that little park.

Paul said...

i forgot to put the totals on.

RK 23:36
PG 18:07
ML 26:48