Friday, August 31, 2007
Saturday 1st September 2007 - Kensington Primary
7:30am - Saturday 1st September 2007 - Kensington Primary School
Approximate Total Time 1 hour 15minutes
Medicine Ball, Olympic Bar, 90kg weights, 2 x KB, Rings, 2 x Sleds, 1 x 20m rope
Workout Type
Strength Circuit
Warm-Up Jog and stretch
Workout 1:
(1st person start then next person follow)
1x 300m sprint + 20x Ball Slam + 20x PlyoWall Jump + 20x Atomic Sit up + 20x Ring Dips + 20x Ball Toss + 20x Knees-to-Elbows + 20x KB Push Press + 20x Burpee + 20 Deadlifts + 20x Wall Ball Slams +1x 300m sprint
Estimated time: 19minutes
Rest 4-6 minutes
Workout 2:
(Staggered Start)6x Deadlift @ bodyweight + 6x Fat Bar Pull-up + 6x Ring Push-up + 6x KB Swings 6 Rounds
Estimated time: 18minutes
Rest 4 minutes
Workout 3:
(Two people work on A while the other two work on B, then swap with 2 minute break)
A. 8 x 25 meter sled sprints (heavy), 10 push-ups after each sprint
B. 4x 20m Rope Pull with 20kg tied to it + 20x Sumo High pulls + 4x 20m Rope Pull + 15x Sumo High pulls + 4x 20m Rope Pull + 10x Sumo High pulls
Estimated time: 20minutes
Cool Down and Stretch
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Thursday 30th August 2007 - Kings Park (Jacobs)
Thursday. 30.08.07 WHERE: Jacobs
Warm up and stretch
- 9 x Jacobs (1x free, 1x sand bag, 1x KB)
- Rest 3 – 5mins
- fast farmer walks from top of Jacobs to top of street, with KB in hand or Sandbags, then at top 10 x burpies & 10x KB pushups. Repeat this 6 sets.
- At the end of 6 sets, straight down Jacobs and back up as fast as possible, then 20 x KB swings at top. Rest 1minute then another 20 x swings!
- Rest 3 – 5mins
- Sled dragging from top of Jacobs ladder to top of street with sledge hammer in hands, one swing forward as you take a big step forward in when reach the top 20 x pushups. Tag team process. x 5 uphills each.
- Rest 3 – 5mins
- 1 x sprint up mount street, walk down to Jacobs, walk down to bottom, then fast up!
Sandbags - Damon
Sledge hammers – Damon & Stef
Kettlebells - pair of 20's, pair of 16's – Stef
Sleds – Damon and Stef
Weights / Plates - Damon
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Damon and Stef Weight Training - 26th August - 9th September
Day 1 - The aim of Day 1 is to get through this as quick as possible: make a note of time
Sumo Deadlift Hi-Pull 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
Floor Wiper 3-6-9-12-15-18-21
First round looks like: 21x SDLHP + 3x FW
Second round looks like: 18x SDLHP + 6x FW
Atomic Sit up +
Ring Dip
8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of each
Then (immediately, clock is still running) 50x Get-ups @ 16kg KB/DB/SB
Day 2
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press @ +
Goblet Squat @ +
Pull-up +
Box Jump @ +
Deadlift @ ½ Body Weight
8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of each
Clean & Jerk 3RM
Snatch 3RM
Overhead Squat 3RM
Bench Press 3RM
Deadlift 3RM
1 minute plank holds
5 ring Superman’s
3 rounds
Day 3
Big (BAD) Five “55”
55x Dumbbell Bench Press @ 40kg +
55x Front Squat @ 40kg +
55x Ring Body Rows +
55x Box Jump +
55x Deadlift @ 40kg
KB/DB Snatch Breathing Ladder
One Snatch with the right arm + One Snatch with the left arm, then breathe twice
Two Snatches with the right arm + Two Snatches with the left arm, then breathe four times
Three Snatches with the right arm + Three Snatches with the left arm, then breathe six times
Continue until oxygen becomes an issue or the KB handles so slippery with sweat or blood that you have to quit
Day 4
Bench press 1RM, then
3x 5 @ Body weight (3-minute rest between sets)
5x Clean +
10x Pushups on rings, feet on box +
15X Goblet (or Sandbag Heavy) Squats
Five rounds
10 Military Press: @ 2x 25kg DB+
10 One Arm Dumbbell rows
3 Rounds
Day 5
3x Pull-up + 6x Dumbbell Incline Bench press + 8x Barbell Squat every minute for 12 minutes
Sandbag/KB Goblet Squat 20 10 5 15
Ring Dips 5 10 15 10
SDLHP 15 5 10 20
HSLR 10 15 20 5
First round looks like: 20x Squat + 5x Ring Dips + 15x Sumo Deadlift Hi-Pull + 10x Hanging Straight Leg Raise
(HSLR = Hanging Straight Leg Raise, like Knee To Elbow but harder)
Day 6
10x Barbell Deadlift + 5x Barbell Push Press (Same Weight as BB Deadlift)
Max number of rounds in 10 minutes (only complete rounds are counted)
1 x 5 Power Clean @ 50% 1RM + 1 x 8 ring dip
1 x 3 Power Clean @ 60% 1RM + 1 x 7 ring dip
1 x 3 Power Clean @ 70% 1RM + 1 x 6 ring dip
3 x 3 Power Clean @ 80% 1RM + 3 x 5 ring dip
2 x 2 Power Clean @ 90% 1RM + 2 x 3 ring dip
6 Bent over Row +
6 Close-Grip Pronated Pull-ups, +
6 Incline Dumbbell Press
3 Rounds
10 Atomic sit ups +
4 Ring Supermans (feet elevated to same height as ring)
5 rounds
Sample Sled Dragging Movements
As you walk forward do so in an explosive, dynamic motion, driving into the belt as you step. You should hear the forces snap the sled with each step. This is much different than just walking forward. This type of dragging is great for the development of the hamstrings and glutes.
Ankle dragging: This movement is great for the hip flexors and hamstrings. To perform it you'll need to attach one nylon strap to the sled and pass a second through the first for a "T" shape. Tie or loop the end of the second strap around each ankle.
Start the motion in a split stance position and pull the back leg forward with a slight bend in the knee. Concentrate on using the hip flexors and abdominals, not the quads. This movement has had a profound difference on many lifters I've consulted. It teaches them how to use their abdominals in a way that's conducive to doing the squat.
Rope dragging behind the knees: This style of dragging will pulverize your hamstrings. Attach the strap to the sled. Run a rope or another nylon strap through the first. Face away from the sled and grip the second strap behind your knees with a close stance. Stay in this semi-squatted position and walk forward.
Front raises: This has been one of the best and most successful things I've ever seen for sore and damaged shoulders. It's helped more lifters get back to the bench than any other movement. Attach one strap through the first in the same manner as the ankle dragging. Face away from the sled and grab one strap in each hand and walk forward while simulating a dumbbell front raise with the straps.
Rear raises: This movement is performed the same as the front raise except you'll be walking backwards and performing a rear raise. The benefit to these front and rear raises is that the loading during the eccentric phase is taken away. What you're left with is a concentric-only activity that causes little to no soreness.
Sample Dragging Workouts
Dragging for restoration — The basic guideline for restoration dragging is to keep the load light and drag for a greater distance. The best distance I've seen for this type of loading is 200 feet. A sample restoration workout is as follows:
1) Around the waist dragging: 90 pounds for 200 feet, rest 30 seconds and return. This movement would be performed for four trips. (One trip equals 200 feet.)
2) Front Raises: Two trips, 200 feet with 35 pounds
3) Rear Raises: Two trips, 200 feet with 35 pounds
4) Ankle dragging: Two trips, 200 feet with 35 pounds
Dragging for strength — The best type of loading for strength is to drag increasingly heavier weights for a shorter distance. The best distance we found for this is 100 feet. A sample strength workout would look like this:
1) Around the waist dragging: Begin with 45 pounds and drag for 100 feet. Rest 30 to 45 seconds and return. Rest another 45 seconds and add another 45-pound plate. Keep with this same distance and continue rest and loading pattern until your body tells you to stop. When it comes to strength dragging, one movement per workout is plenty.
2) Dragging using the empirical rule of 60%: The empirical rule of 60% is one of the best ways to induce active restoration in the course of a micro cycle. The best way to see how this system works is to look at an example of how it's used:
Day 1: Front raise dragging: 100 pounds for two trips of 100 feet.
Day 2: Front raise dragging: 60 pounds for two trips of 100 feet. You'll notice the weight is 60% of the weight used on day one.
Day 3: Front raise dragging: 36 pounds for two trips of 100 feet. This time you'll notice the weight is 60% of the weight used on day two.
These 60% drops are responsible for inducing a means of active restoration. Restoration should be used in cycles throughout the year coupled with the heaviest loading phases. You don't want to make restoration measures part of a yearly cycle because it's important for the body to get sore and beat down at certain times throughout the year. This is part of the training process we all accepted a long time ago. You do, however, want to go into a meet as fresh as possible.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Measured Workouts
Workouts like the one below are bloody fantastic, I did a modified version (21-15-9 @ 25kg) in 9:08 and I'm gonna try it once a fortnight to get that time down a few minutes.

Whats in a name......
As a couple of naming conventions I suggest the name must:
1. Be one that all four of us are comfortable and agree with
2. Reflects the type of training that we are doing
3. At least a name that when Stewart Hart (our Vice Pres) doesn't get concerned with when it pops up on the register of intenet sites
4. Is somewhat inspirational
5. If we ever make this blog public, a name that unique for us as opposed to other styles of training.
Heres my initial ideas/preferences:
IST (Intense Strength Training)
NYMW (for Not your Mothers Workout)
OSACT (Outdoor Strength and Conditioning Training)
Underground Strength Training
Post some comments on any ideas you guys have so we can build on this list.
Saturday 25th August
Time: 7am
Location: Kensington Primary School
Workout Type: Endurance/Circuit
Equipment: Sled, KB’s, Rope, Weights, Sandbags
Warm up and stretch
Sled sprints – 100m +
Jog /recover 200m +
Sled sprints – 100m +
Sand bag get ups 10 -20 +
Rest 2 – 3mins
Workout A
100m exercise – picking up sand bag and throwing it as far as possible, for a total of 100m, sprinting to bag +
Tuck jumps x15 +
resting 2mins at end
Workout B
25m sled sprint (light – medium weight) +
20m rope pull → drag back to length +
pull ups for reps +
farmer carry jogs - 50m +
Rest 3mins
Workout C
100m backward running with SB +
SB squats x 20 +
100m sprint +
knee pistols x 50
Format: ABCx3 (resting 3 mins between each set)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Saturday 18th August 2007 - Kensington Primary
Type: Strength
Warm up and stretch
300m sprints on 2min and 30sec x 5
kettlebell Power Snatches x 15 each arm +
Heavy harnessed sled drags x 50m +
16kg kettlebell get ups, 5 each side +
Ball slams in to burpies x 20
X2 (resting 3mins between sets)
100m sled drags with 16kg kettlebells in hands (farmer drags)
100m sled drags with 16kg kettlebells in hands (hands straight in air)
120 Sledge swings (shovel, pile driving, door knocks) |
Kettlebell breathing ladder 1-10-1 |
5 x 50m sprints with 5 burpies at end
resting 1minute between sprints
cool down and stretch
Wednesday, 22nd August 2007 - King's Park
Time: 5:10PM
Workout Type: Strength Circuit
Equipment: Rings (Stef Bring yours as well), Sled, 80kg Weights, Rope, KB, 5kg Medicine Ball
Stretch, Light Jog 1km
Medicine Ball Throw 5minutes
KB Climb Up Tower w/ 2 x KB (held in Rack position) + 20 x Ring Dips + 3x 20m Rope Pull with 20kg tied to it + Sled Drag (Unharnessed Heavy) 50m
(3 Rounds rest 3 min between rounds)
KB Swing, 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 +
Ring Pull-up 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 +
Push-up (on Kettle Bell if available), 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 +
Squat, 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
First round looks like: 3x KBS + 8x Pull-up + 3x Push-up + 8x Squat
Second round looks like: 4x KBS + 7x Pull-up + 4x Push-up + 7x Squat
This is done for time…No rest
Plank max time
Supline Double Leg Raise
Ring Superman
Seated Russian Twist with medicine ball
(2 rounds)
Cool Down + Stretch
Wednesday 15th August 2007 - Kings Park
Where: Meet at Car Park near top of Kakoda
Workout Type: Endurance Strength
Warm up and stretch
Kakoda with KB or weights in hands +
Pushups on KB at top x 20 +
Rest 1 – 2mins
Heavy Sled dragging from bottom of Memorial Park all the way up then back down,+
KB swings at top x 50 +
Rest 3 – 5mins x 3
Equipment Back into Car
Kakoda trail down, jog to Jacobs then straight up, down mount st then back up
3mins rest
Top of Jacobs ladder to top of mount street – sprint +
15 burpies at top, walk down and repeat 5x
Jog back to car park near top of Kakoda
Cool Down and stretch
From Gym Jones:
Stressors are intentionally designed to cause discomfort and apprehension. Effort and pain may not be avoided. Physical and psychological breakdowns occur. The support of a like-minded group, dedicated to The Art of Suffering, provides a safety net. An individual will push harder and risk more in the company of trustworthy peers…...
Saturday 11th August 2007 - Kensington Primary
2 laps - light pace
Light stretch
1 lap - light pace + bursting (60%) for 10 paces
More stretching
W1 - For Time
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
10 rounds
W2 - Strength & Power
20m rope pull @ 20kg (alternate sides, through legs and over head)
20 10m whip smash
10 squats @ 10kg (holding plate)
10 rounds, continuous - rest only while waiting for next station
W2B - Strength & Power
50m forward sled drag (harness) - heavy
W3 - Speed
25 quick jumps over rope (side to side)
Sprint 50m (25m there + 25m back)
10 punches each side with 3kg dumbells
5 rounds, 2min rest between sets
Cool Down
1 lap - light pace
Light stretch
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Tag each post with relevant words so it can be found again easily in the future and compared to similar posts.
If a post is a record of a workout, post relevant information into comments such as your weight used, time taken and reps performed to keep track of progress.