Would like to propose a few names for our blog site.....
As a couple of naming conventions I suggest the name must:
1. Be one that all four of us are comfortable and agree with
2. Reflects the type of training that we are doing
3. At least a name that when Stewart Hart (our Vice Pres) doesn't get concerned with when it pops up on the register of intenet sites
4. Is somewhat inspirational
5. If we ever make this blog public, a name that unique for us as opposed to other styles of training.
Heres my initial ideas/preferences:
IST (Intense Strength Training)
NYMW (for Not your Mothers Workout)
OSACT (Outdoor Strength and Conditioning Training)
Underground Strength Training
Post some comments on any ideas you guys have so we can build on this list.
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3 days ago
Fitness You Can Taste
Fitter Than Your Mum
Fitter Than You
Ride The Limit
Savour The Pain
Push Harder Training
Feel The Burn
Drill Core Fitness
Drill Corps
FUDS (Yes, Drill Seargent)
STFU (Strength Training, Fitness Utopia)
Serious Iron Swingers
Fools Not Allowed
Sweating Blood
One More Rep
Not Finished Yet
Fit Factory
Fitness For Life
The Scrapyard
Junkyard Fitness
Battery Limit
Bigger, Faster, Stronger, Harder
The Anvil
Not Done Yet
Power for the People
Powerful People
The Power Plant
More Than You Were
On The Way
Hard Nuts
Outdoor Power Training
My new favourite......
Muscling Out
I've got a new favourite: HFS
see 30th Aug 07 for a HFS moment; yes, this is an acronym that cannot be repeated around sensitive types.
holy fkn sh!t!
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