Location: DNA Tower - Kings Park (looks like it is going to be wet and cold)
Time: 5:10PM
Workout Type: Strength Circuit
Equipment: Rings (Stef Bring yours as well), Sled, 80kg Weights, Rope, KB, 5kg Medicine Ball
Stretch, Light Jog 1km
Medicine Ball Throw 5minutes
KB Climb Up Tower w/ 2 x KB (held in Rack position) + 20 x Ring Dips + 3x 20m Rope Pull with 20kg tied to it + Sled Drag (Unharnessed Heavy) 50m
(3 Rounds rest 3 min between rounds)
KB Swing, 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 +
Ring Pull-up 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 +
Push-up (on Kettle Bell if available), 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 +
Squat, 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
First round looks like: 3x KBS + 8x Pull-up + 3x Push-up + 8x Squat
Second round looks like: 4x KBS + 7x Pull-up + 4x Push-up + 7x Squat
This is done for time…No rest
Plank max time
Supline Double Leg Raise
Ring Superman
Seated Russian Twist with medicine ball
(2 rounds)
Cool Down + Stretch
488 🎙️ QnA: Stronger AND Older? Athleticism vs Strength Focused & the BIG
Problem with High School Lineman
STRONG Life Podcast ep 488 QnA: Stronger AND Older? Athleticism vs
Strength Focused & the BIG Problem with High School Lineman Brought to you
by ALL of ...
1 week ago
Attendees: DB, PG, RK, SS
it was wet and cold and getting dark quickly.
light jog down to road and back up the hill was good.
setting up rings ate into the time, no med ball throws were done due to light conditions.
first circuit was a big effort, most subbed pull ups for dips on the rings. shoulders were hit hard with kb stair work, rope pulls and pull ups. 3 rounds was plenty.
the down-up-down-up circuit took some time to get into the flow but ended up being 1-10/10-1/1-10/10-1 with burpies subbed for pull ups when the rings were in use.
2 rounds of ab work was really pushing it and there were some failures during the plank (not me).
mozzies were bad, worse than kensington was on saturday afternoon.
total time ~1hr 30
Yep failure on the plank was me.
Ive always struggled with this exercise and struggle to hold this for a minute without being fatigued.
Ill set the intention for the next year to be able to hold this for three minutes.
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