Friday, January 2, 2009

Saturday 3rd January 2008 - The Warehouse

Time: 8am

Team slosh pipe hold - 30s each for 5mins

Thirty Thirty
30sec of work followed by 30sec of rest of the following:

ball slam
lunge (2x8kg KB)
2 rounds at each station before rotating, 30 rounds

Just for Fun
30 x KB swing
Run around the block
3 rounds


Damon said...

Great session Grover.

Did a modified sloshpipe being a overhead hold for a total of 3 minutes with 2x20kg KBs.

Had the 5kg medicine ball for the slams, did the push-ups on the parallel bar which was the most difficult element of the sequence, and modifed the lunge with a 1 x 20kg KB overhead hold with the lunges.

Even though it was a relatively cool evening by Singapore standards was still sweating buckloads by the end of the thirty thirty.

Nice finish with the swings and run, had Ethan join me for that one with him swinging a light DB and matching it with me for a run around the condo.

Will stay in touch with the SB training will be replicating the training sessions this year, and contributing where I can.

Sweat Blood from Singapore


Paul said...

hey mate, yeah this was good.

we did the slosh hold for 10min total, pretty easy sharing the load between 3 of us :)

the 30/30 work was good, that gymboss works a treat :D

we used the pushup board and alternated hindus and regular pushups and with the lunges did overhead/rack/hang alternatives, ball slams with your 10kg sucka!

then the swing/run was pretty killer:
stef 8:50 @ 24kg
paul 9:45 @ 20kg
rod... not too far behind @ 16kg

good to hear you got ethan involved! next up: willem! :)

saw your training regime too, looks killer.

was trying to convince the guys for a beach sesh tomorrow but they chickened out. i have this week off so will try to train with stef a few more times.

take it easy.
