Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wednesday 10th December 2008 - The Warehouse

Time: 5:30pm

Move for 5mins

Work up to 1RM DL
Work up to 1RM DL (blindfolded) - start @ 50% 1RM

10 x 3 @ 85% 1RM DL blindfolded

Finish it off
10 x flying burpees
10 x 2KB swings
4 rounds

Cool Down
Jog around block, general stretch & mobility

1 comment:

Paul said...

i thought this session was great, captain zerch disagreed.

the blindfolded lifting was mostly as expected - forcing different senses to work where you would naturally rely on vision.

we each pulled some big numbers with great form and pushed through mental and physical limitations of fatigue in order to derive the intended benefits.

try it yourself sometime!

we ended up doing 7 sets of 3 rather than 10; heavy lifting.

the flying burpees and double kb swings hurt pretty bad after all the deads but we smashed the 4 rounds out in well under 10mins.