Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Saturday 20th December 2008

Time: 8:00am (meet at Poplar Cottage Brookton Highway) for a 8:30AM start at venue to be determined. Including the trek should take about 2 to 2 1/2 hours all up.




2xSleds, 50kg of weight plates (2x20kg 2x 10kg), KBs (3x20kg, 2x16kg, 2x12kg)

KB Complex

10 x single arm swings
10 x goblet squats
10 x deck squats
10 x halo each direction
10 x clean & jerk each hand
10 x snatch each hand
10 x OH lunge each hand
10 x around the world each direction
10 x figure 8 each direction
10 x push ups on KB

Rest 3-5mins

Workout 1:

TM1: Sprint 30M with weighted sled turn around sprint 30M back then

Release harness (with TM2 to attach) then

TM1: With two kettlebells for the physically able (20kg Damon 16kg Paul, 12 kg Rod) and one KB (20kg) for the physically handicapped, clean the bells once and press them overhead two times. Lower to the floor and rest for a few seconds. Clean the bells once again and press them three times overhead. Rest. On the next "set," press them five times, then briefly rest again. Finally, clean the bells and press them 10 times.

On completion of the KB series then switch to T2 while T1 rests and prepares for next round

5 rounds for each team member for time

Workout 2

6km trek through the Roleystone bush

Workout 3

Mystery workout

1km walk to Araluen back to car then breakfast in Roleystone

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