Time: 7:30am
Equipment: 1x10m rope, 1x20m rope, 1xsledge hammer, 1x16kg KB, 1x20kg KB, 1x5kg medicine ball, 1xskipping rope, 1x10kg plate, 1x20kg plate
2 laps - light pace
Light stretch
Heat the Pan
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
10 rounds for time
Compare time to this: PG 12:07, DB & RK 12:20
Sear the Meat
20m rope pull @ 20kg
20 10m whip smash
10 squats @ 10kg (holding plate)
10 KB pushups
10 rounds, continuous - rest only while waiting for next station
Cook Through
4 Stations - 1 in each corner of the oval
Sledge Hammer at the sand pit
Kettlebell (1x16kg & 1x20kg)
Skipping Rope
Medicine Ball
1 Round - 5 minutes each station, 1 minute rest in between
This is all about volume, you can do whatever you want with the equipment but the goal is to use it for the whole 5 minutes continuous, similar to the Girevoy competition style challenges that will be worked into more sessions. Some suggestions would be sledge slamming into the sand, KB swings, cleans or snatches, ball slams or high throws. If you ain't spent after this, I will have to question your commitment!
497 | Destroy Your Weakness Before It Destroys You
STRONG Life Podcast ep 497 Brought to you by http://ZachStrength.com - FREE
STRENGTH TRAINING COURSES Thanks to our Friends at https://dfndusa.com/ -
3 days ago
question our commitment???
i think not, maybe question the construction and strength of your program???
love you
good work today boys, we took some serious time off the pullup/pushup/squat combo:
DB: 9:16
PG: 8:52
RK: 9:20
SS: 7:58
The second circuit took 30:30 this time around, bearing in mind we had an additional element added (pushups on paralettes).
Combination of the workout and throat infection has wrecked me, I feel like I've been hit by a truck.
welll done to everyone today! fantastic effort, we are all becoming alot more fitter, stronger, dedicated, committed, and wise to the space we are in in reflection to EXTREME training! i look forward to every week we train together!
its my absolute pleasure to be a part of this team! thankyou guys!
Great programme Paul.
This afternoon I started getting cramps in my chest - man thats a painful experience. I guess 200 pushups on the parallettes will do that.
Im really enjoying the training as well and grateful to be a part of this group
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