the morning was wet, windy and cold but there were plenty still turned out for the run.
I felt good at the start, weaving through traffic and travelling at a fair clip. my ear buds kept falling out because of wet ears so that was a bit of a pain.
ran strong up to about 8km then felt heavy from there, running through the perry lakes reserve was slow going but I powered up the next couple of hills, coming down I couldn't pick up the pace (couldn't feel the decline at all...).
It was on oceanic drive that I really started to feel the soreness creep into my calves and hamstrings but worked through it and the downhill run to the finish line was good, could have put in more but didn't realise the line was so close (usually have to run around all the tents but it was straight in this year).
In summary - sore legs, blistered feet from wetness, traffic problems but ran the whole way without stopping for drinks or anything.
good luck paul! no matter what just keep running! erase time from your mind, and just run mate, run your own race, finish and finish with confidence, strength and a clariy of mind! i know you will do well! do it for yourself! do it for the team :)
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the morning was wet, windy and cold but there were plenty still turned out for the run.
I felt good at the start, weaving through traffic and travelling at a fair clip. my ear buds kept falling out because of wet ears so that was a bit of a pain.
ran strong up to about 8km then felt heavy from there, running through the perry lakes reserve was slow going but I powered up the next couple of hills, coming down I couldn't pick up the pace (couldn't feel the decline at all...).
It was on oceanic drive that I really started to feel the soreness creep into my calves and hamstrings but worked through it and the downhill run to the finish line was good, could have put in more but didn't realise the line was so close (usually have to run around all the tents but it was straight in this year).
In summary - sore legs, blistered feet from wetness, traffic problems but ran the whole way without stopping for drinks or anything.
61min and happy.
Gotta get some new shoes.
Notes for next year:
- enroll in group B, start nearer the front
- find someone to run with an push harder early on
- balls to the wall once on oceanic drive
- make sure someone has a jumper at the end
good luck paul! no matter what just keep running! erase time from your mind, and just run mate, run your own race, finish and finish with confidence, strength and a clariy of mind! i know you will do well! do it for yourself! do it for the team :)
takecare, and stretch after ward
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