Friday, August 31, 2007

Saturday 1st September 2007 - Kensington Primary

Time and Place
7:30am - Saturday 1st September 2007 - Kensington Primary School
Approximate Total Time 1 hour 15minutes

Medicine Ball, Olympic Bar, 90kg weights, 2 x KB, Rings, 2 x Sleds, 1 x 20m rope

Workout Type
Strength Circuit


Warm-Up Jog and stretch

Workout 1:
(1st person start then next person follow)
1x 300m sprint + 20x Ball Slam + 20x PlyoWall Jump + 20x Atomic Sit up + 20x Ring Dips + 20x Ball Toss + 20x Knees-to-Elbows + 20x KB Push Press + 20x Burpee + 20 Deadlifts + 20x Wall Ball Slams +1x 300m sprint

Estimated time: 19minutes

Rest 4-6 minutes

Workout 2:
(Staggered Start)6x Deadlift @ bodyweight + 6x Fat Bar Pull-up + 6x Ring Push-up + 6x KB Swings 6 Rounds

Estimated time: 18minutes

Rest 4 minutes

Workout 3:
(Two people work on A while the other two work on B, then swap with 2 minute break)

A. 8 x 25 meter sled sprints (heavy), 10 push-ups after each sprint

B. 4x 20m Rope Pull with 20kg tied to it + 20x Sumo High pulls + 4x 20m Rope Pull + 15x Sumo High pulls + 4x 20m Rope Pull + 10x Sumo High pulls

Estimated time: 20minutes

Cool Down and Stretch

1 comment:

Paul said...

200 reps + 600m sprint = 15 minutes? wtf...

can't wait.