Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Saturday 18th August 2007 - Kensington Primary

Time: 4pm
Type: Strength

Warm up and stretch
300m sprints on 2min and 30sec x 5


kettlebell Power Snatches x 15 each arm +
Heavy harnessed sled drags x 50m +
16kg kettlebell get ups, 5 each side +
Ball slams in to burpies x 20
X2 (resting 3mins between sets)


100m sled drags with 16kg kettlebells in hands (farmer drags)
100m sled drags with 16kg kettlebells in hands (hands straight in air)
120 Sledge swings (shovel, pile driving, door knocks)
Kettlebell breathing ladder 1-10-1

5 x 50m sprints with 5 burpies at end
resting 1minute between sprints

cool down and stretch

1 comment:

Paul said...

Attendees: DB, PG, RK

Afternoon was a bad idea, I went to the gym in the morning and had a big, late lunch before the session.

The first circuit was really good, fast snatches are key and the heavy sled drags were backwards. Timing of each station was not perfect but rest was mandatory between sets.

The second circuit was absolutely brutal! 100m farmer drags is hard, coming back overhead is impossible. Breathing ladder could have gone higher with 10kg plate (16kg was being used for farmer drags) and sledge activity was well timed. We could only manage 1 set.

I was wiped out after this session.