Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Wednesday 29th October 2008 - The Warehouse

Time: 5:30pm

500m row for time

'House Party
25 x pullup
25 x pushup
25 x kb swing
25 x squat
25 x sb clean
Farmer's walk around the block @ 2 x >=24kg kb
25 x burpee
25 x kb clean + press
25 x sb get up
25 x dip

The faster you move, the heavier it gets

Resting doesnt take away the pain

Press until you cannot press anymore

Kip hard, pull hard, sweat blood

When you're spent, you're spent...

The boys worked hard tonight...
The pain is evident in their posture, it is evident in their sweat...

1 comment:

Paul said...

very happy with tonight's session, desired timing, intensity and impact.

my row 1:43, rod 1:47

pullups, pushups, swings (24kg), squats unbroken

sb cleans partitioned as the heart rate and lungs really got working.

farmer's walk was a real test, 24 &28kg bells used. lots of stops, forearm strength massively depleated from pullups and swings...

burpees partitioned but not as much as expected, similar clean & presses (jerks towards 25th rep)

sb getups were performed on the grass and weren't taxing, more gruelling.

dips were partitioned into 20/5, upper body had suffered but saw the end in sight.

really great program, highly recommended for revisit.