Thursday, October 16, 2008

Saturday 18th October 2008 - Open Day!

Reminder that this Saturday is open to anyone that wants to come along!

Location: South Perth foreshore
Time: 8am - 10am

Continuous kettlebell sequence - don't worry if you haven't even seen a kettlebell before, we will spend time taking everyone through the movements before getting started and scale to your ability!

2 x snatch
Get down
2 x floor press
Get up
2 x overhead squat
2 x swing
Complete with other hand for 1 round - don't put the kb down!

Again, we will have substitute movements and scaled versions available for those who need it so don't be intimidated or shy!

25m sled drag
50m harnessed sled sprint
10 x tyre flip (sub is jump in / jump out = 1 rep)
10 x parallette pushups
50m sandbag carry (sub goblet KB carry, farmer walk etc)
10 x KB swing (sub air squats)
10 x ball slams
1 x rope pull @ 20kg + 10 x whip smash
10 x burpees
10 x KB squat (goblet, rack, deck etc)

Get into the comments and make yourself known!


gussigan said...

looks awesome.

knee won't be up for a lot of that stuff yet but i'm looking forward to learning about some of the crazy stuff you just posted

Paul said...

great mate! we'll have a chat about your knee when you get there to make sure you don't compromise it.

we'll have other cool stuff there too like the sledges, slosh pipes, maybe a keg so you can try a bunch of other things :)

weather is looking mint, looking forward to a killer morning!

Jason said...

See you there Gusman.

Looking good Grover.

Hopefully I'll still be walking tomorrow after the footy tonight. Bloody charities! : ) Previous years I've come away with torn ankle ligaments and concussion! Woohoo! Get some................

gussigan said...

it's ok jase you can join me on the cripple team haha

sledges sounds good, combining exercise with hitting stuff is always good

and a keg? doing tabata pints is probably the only exercise i can score more reps than you guys in ;)

Paul said...

oft debated in my head: what would hurt more - beers for time or beers for reps?

no doubt backed up with tabata puke and stomach pump gone bad.


Jason said...

I've always liked,

As many rnds as you can in 20 mins of:

2 middies light
2 stubbies mid-strength
2 pints full strength

Post rnds to comments

NB. This WOD may be performed on a QANTAS flight from Heathrow to Sydney after winning the Ashes! : )