I figured that since we weren't doing a mid-week session this week and that the group sessions usually constitute a big part of my cardio component, I would do one this morning at the gym.
Big ups to Damon for the suggestion, this was a ripper.
For time:
Row 500m
15xSumo High-Pull 25kg (37% BW)
5xPull Ups
3 Rounds
497 | Destroy Your Weakness Before It Destroys You
STRONG Life Podcast ep 497 Brought to you by http://ZachStrength.com - FREE
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3 days ago
1 comment:
although I realised straight away I wasn't 100% (still recovering from heavy sessions on Monday and Wednesday) it took a big effort to get through this.
Rows were done at about 2min pace (for 500m) which is a little slower than flat out but over 3 rounds was close to max effort.
The sumo high-pulls were hard going after rowing and legs were feeling the effects straight away, after the first round I couldn't do 15 straight any more.
Pull ups were tougher than expected but didn't have to break the 5 down at all.
Total time 13:17.
Afterwards tried getting on the treadmill for a walk/run recovery but my calves kept cramping up, managed to do over 1km total with about 300m @ 15/16km/h but was shattered very quickly.
Definately one to revisit.
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