Time and Place: 3:00PM - Sunday 16th September 2007 - Jacobs Ladder
Approximate Total Time 1 hour 00minutes (Depends on the SMMF)
Olympic Bar, 2 x [20kg, 10kg, 5kg] weights, parrallettes, 20kg & 16kg kettle bells
Workout Type: Strength Circuit
1: 2 x Jacobs Ladder (note time)
2:Strength Circuit (Stagger Start)
21x Front Squat Push Press +
90m Farmer Carry (up street and back down) @ KB +
21x Parallette Decline Push-up +
15x Front Squat Push Press @ +
90m Farmer Carry @ KB +
15x Parallette Decline Push-up +
9x Front Squat Push Press @ +
90m Farmer Carry @ KB +
9x Parallette Decline Push-up
3: SMMF (note max reps and total time)
Choose an exercise (Damon to Power Barbell Clean, Paul indicated preference is for One Arm KB swing, Rod choose your exercise)
1 rep, down flist flight of Jacobs and up the other side
2 reps, down flist flight of Jacobs and up the other side
3 reps, down flist flight of Jacobs and up the other side
…………Max reps
4: Core
10 Atomic sit ups +
10 Floor Wipers +
Parallette Holds or 1 minute Plank
3 rounds
497 | Destroy Your Weakness Before It Destroys You
STRONG Life Podcast ep 497 Brought to you by http://ZachStrength.com - FREE
STRENGTH TRAINING COURSES Thanks to our Friends at https://dfndusa.com/ -
3 days ago
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