After today's session Stef and I got to talking about bang for your buck exercises, he was opining that the TGU would be in his top 5 while I wouldn't have even thought about it.
So we thought it would be a cool idea to see what everyones top ten bang for your buck, most enjoyable, don't leave home without it, strength/power exercises are; basically, if you could only take 10 with you to a desert island, what would they be?
Feel free to rank them if you want but it isn't necessary.
We are at about the 12 month mark of when we started training together so this will be interesting to look back on in the future too!
Post your list in the comments.
- grover
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4 days ago
This is tough, there are some clear winners for me so I'll start at the top and if they fall into some sort of order then that's good!
* deadlift
* squat
* clean & jerk
* pullup / chinup
* KB swing
The top 5 is easy, by far my favourite is lifting my chin over a bar but you can't beat the others for value.
* pushup
* dip
* ball slam
* rope pull
instantly a whole pile more spring to mind that you would not want to give up!
I think I'm going to want to wax lyrical about some of these movements shortly... let's see what else turns up.
Good idea Grover,
Rather than determining favourite exercises I would prefer to define the exercises as which I feel are the most effective to achieve my goals.
my current top ten:
1. Squat - Zercher
2. Squat - Back
3. Deadlift - Wide grip
4. Weighted sled push
5. Power Clean and press
6. Deadlift- Romanian
7. Sumo High Pull
8. Heavy Sandbag carry
9. Incline dumbell press
10. Suplinated grip chin ups
Other exercises that nearly made it:
Backward sled drag
KB Gobblet lunge
Overhead squat
KB jerk
Military Press
my top ten, in no order...keep in mind these are strength and power exercises only...
Romanian Dead lift
Chin up / pull up
Turkish Full Get up
Heavy sled push
Squat press
back squat
Clean & Jerk
single arm BB over head press
Sumo high pull
Single arm KB Power snatch
Single arm KB swing
BB thrusters
KB windmills
Sand bag get ups
this is very rough, and i will put more serious thort into this!!!
and as paul said our 1 yr anniversary is coming up, i think we should do something special, in regards to having a really good training session, not that ours are not good already, but something really dynamite, like a weekend bootcamp, where we do double days, or a week long thing again, and also maybe we all go out for dinner, this group means a great deal to me, as do the ppl in it, to train consistantly for a yr, and have more dedication and enthusiasm than when we first started means a lot and i personally view this as a grand achievement as individuals and as the unique special, bonded collective that we are, i hope you are share a similar feeling, perspective and sentiment
namaste, and always sweat blood...
whoa, whoa, whoa, how could i forget these:
L - sit Ring pull up
Hand stand push ups
Muscle ups!!!
Ring Dips
ok my new top ten, again, roughly re evaluated, in no particular order
-Romanian Dead lift
-Clean & Jerk
-Turk Full Get up either with heavy sand bag or KB
-Muscle ups
-Hand stand push ups
-Squat press
-Heavy Sled pushes
-Single arm BB over head press
-Kipping Pull ups
-single ar KB power snatch
the last one i was tossing up with a couple of others... this is hard...
G'day guys
Firstly, great blog and workouts. Really good to see guys out there training like this. Might pop down to Success in the morning to catch you at your session, but just came off a week of nightshift and the body clock is screwed so no promises!
Anyway, Damon emailed me and mentioned you were having this discussion. Asked for my comments, so here goes.
I'd say basics, basics, basics. Virtuosity in the basics cannot and should not be underestimated.
Tools are not important, it's the movements that matter, so I won't specify KB, BB, DB, S/bag etc.
Also, looks like we're only talking strength movements so I won't include things like running, jumping, other met con activities etc
My top SEVEN bang for your buck strength movements in no particular order:
Pull up
Final 3 could be anything, but I believe with these 7 and their variations, you'd have enough movements to last you a lifetime.
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