Date: 12 March 2008
Time: 5:15PM
Where: Meet at top of Jacobs
Equipment: KB (2x16, 4x20, 4x24, 2x8), SB (Chains), DB (12, 10, 8)
Warm up
Sand bag relay, if you are not running with sand bag, you are executing hovers to push ups, holding at each point for no more than 2 seconds, in other words, quick change overs.
X3 - Non stop, no rest in between rounds, everyone to complete 3 rounds
Max KB single arm snatches at desired weight x 5mins +
2x Jacobs hard +
5mins REST
Max number of 2 handed KB clean and press at desired weight x 5mins +
2 x Jacobs ladder hard +
5mins REST
Max number of Man Makers at desired weight x 5mins (these can be done at top of cliff st, on grass area +
Jacobs ladder Hard with chains or KB +
5mins REST
All to take off simultaneously for reverse KAKODA run.
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4 days ago
Hey guys, Interstingly I find myself in Perth for a meeting tomorrow and I have decided to put myself through a nice little "hazing" at Jacobs Ladder. The workout I am thinking of is :
Run down the hill that runs perpendicular to the Ladder and back, then 5 x Ladders (down and up equals 1) then the hill run and back to the finish. What do you think? Punishing enough or have you something else that might hurt a little. Keep in mind I will have no equipment with me.
Ryan from Mandurah
hey Ryan, knowing your work capacity but not knowing how much time you'll have, allow me to suggest the following (the hill is Mount St):
1 x Run down Mount St then on the way up, 10x lunges followed by 20 steps running backwards (repeat until you reach the top)
1 x run down and back up mount st
5 x ladders, bear crawl to the top of cliff st after each run.
should be a nice intense 45min session!
let us know how you go mate, good luck!
didn't make it to the ladder...meeting went way longer than I expected...very pissed off... did the crossfit lynne workout this morning, hopefully I'll tackle the ladder soon
The sb (chain bag) relay was good this time, active hover thingos were quality, 3 rounds with 3 of us worked out nicely.
Snatch, C&J, MM
DB: 92 @ 24kg, 30 @ 20kg, 19 @ 7.5kg
RK: 53 @ 16kg, 28 @ 12kg, 18 @ 8kg
PG: 45 @ 24kg, 36 @ 16kg, 20 @ 5kg
disappointed with my snatch performance, it was warm & humid and i couldn't control the bell on the way down due to slipperyness with sweat...
ladder runs immediately after were a big call, the 5min stations get your heart rate right up and smash your whole body but it was a good amount of work all up i think.
good session overall, suggested to stef it might be more intense to swap the 5min (fixed time) out for fixed reps (50 snatches, 30 c&j, 20 mm) or something like that.
no need for kokoda; we were smoked!
total time ~1hr
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