Within the year, progress to:
-achieve minimum of 10 - 15 x muscle ups in a row on the rings
-increase ring strength and endurance
- 100 straight push ups
-40 straight pull ups
-Minimum of 10 pistol squats per leg in a row, with depth and form
-Projected 1RM: Back squat: 150 – 160kg
-Bench Press: 120kg
-Dead lift: 200kg
-Clean and jerk: 100kg
-at least 15 clean hand stand push ups
- walk around on my hands
-Increase tone and definition, lower body fat percentage, remain around the same weight, maybe increase 1 or 2 kilos of lean muscular mass, decrease body fat
-focus on jujitsu, have at least 1 fight if coach feels I’m ready
-focus on indoor rock climbing and the climbing, trekking side of things
-Fix my upper back / thoracic, get myself balanced within my body
-increase general strength, stamina, power, explosiveness, endurance; push my boundaries mentally and spiritually and also emotionally through means of intense physical focus and activity
-Really move to the next level with my training, really train hard, and focused, and stand out, and help those I train with do the same if that’s what they want to achieve also
-Be more conscious and aware of what I am eating, eat healthier, in regards to eating more organic, more natural, decrease red meat intake, increase vegetable uptake, not be as reliant on food for performance as much, but rather mental stability, balance and strength, clear, undisrupted thought to increase physical performance. Create inner physical health, where my organs are functioning at optimum levels.
Achieve stability and balance in my working life, working smarter not harder. Focus on providing quality service to my clients, in turn attracting quality and bulk clientele, to the extent that i am “knocking” clients away. Increase my working income, through means of attaining “efficient” clients in terms of maximising my clientele, where i am receiving income at my full capacity and potential.
Commence and build the foundations for starting and revolutionizing kettle bell classes. Do the foundational and preoperational work throughout the year, marketing, research, etc, to be able to commence these classes towards the end of the year. I feel this can be extremely financially rewarding for me. It’s also maximising my time and providing efficient results for clientele.
Perhaps look into other means of income via diverse investment strategy, again following the philosophy of working smarter not harder, but I must say this isn’t priority. I would rather focus my energies internally, or inter personally, rather than materialistically, and really acknowledging that money and income is simply a means to an end. I will have by the end of 2008 a minimum of $150000 cash in my bank account. How? Through intelligent investment, unattached focus and fearless ness.
I will be more tolerant, I will be more patient with myself, with what life presents me, with what I create and with other people that I directly have relationships with and with those I do not have direct relationships with. I will be more compassionate, I appreciate my high energy personality and it makes me who I am, but I feel I need to be calmer within myself, I feel I need to project that tranquillity, and express myself with ease and patience. I will eradicate more of my aggressive side and harness that aggression in to a positive, what I mean by this, is that I will not ignore my anger, but rather deal with it, and channel and express it positively, and not let the anger control me, not let my emotions control me.
I will not allow people or their actions, or thought process affect me emotionally in a negative way, I will accept all information that comes my through my consciousness, but I will not allow it to manipulate or weaken my state of being by controlling my emotional state. This comes back to being balanced within myself.
I will focus more on myself, and balancing my inner self, i will read more and expand my consciousness, wisdom and knowledge base. As i feel content in reading, and am constantly thinking about this. I will read at least 1 book every 2 months. I will listen more to people, and be more attentive, less selfish, and find peace in helping others, as this is something i feel strongly within myself but physically don’t take action upon it enough! I will do some form of charity work, perhaps dealing with the elderly or mentally / physically challenged children.
I will focus more on meditation, and my spiritual side, i will allocate time for this, as this is something that I truly want to do. My spiritual side is perhaps the most important part of my year this year, as I feel this will balance me greatly and provide a strong foundation for the rest of my goals. Without this balance and dive in to the unknown, i feel i will not achieve in fullness what i have the potential to achieve. Although it is the unknown, i “know” that it is where i must go. I will meditate on a personal level, weekly but i will also attend at least 1 x class per week. This also comes under me allocating more time to myself, to benefit my being, not just for myself, but for those around me, as i believe that if i enhance my being, i will be of greater benefit to those around me.
I have placed Yoga in this section as I feel it is more spiritual than physical and it is something I will focus on throughout the year, to assist me in my physical training and balancing my inner being. At least 1 x class per week.
I will allow my true feelings and emotions to flow through me unaffected and effortlessly. I will love with depth and passion, I will care for those around me with intensity yet not be attached negatively. I will appreciate those close to me at greater, deeper levels and will express that to them. I will not be consumed with fear in whatever path I choose, on any level, whether it be emotional, spiritual or physical. I will eradicate doubt from my being and my mind. All this will be achieved through the greater part of enhancing my spiritual side and striking a peaceful balance, again through meditation and mental stability. I will not be afraid to love and express myself clearly and with truth, by doing this i feel i can understand myself better, and create greater inner peace, without emotional blockage.
Mainly in regards to travel. I will go to Thailand again, Brazil / South America, the USA to Gymjones, to New Zealand for hiking and mountain climbing. Travel to more places around WA, Australia, short stints. Again all my goals are inter related, one won’t really happen without the other, so achieving financial freedom is important for these goals, as I rate these goals as very high on my level of importance, and in order to achieve financial freedom successfully, and free of negative attachments, that will hinder my mental state and cause my inner stresses i must have clarity of mind and inner balance, achieved through a focus on my own spirituality.
Be successful and pass with strength my chosen units at University. Be more disciplined in regards to study at Uni.
497 | Destroy Your Weakness Before It Destroys You
STRONG Life Podcast ep 497 Brought to you by http://ZachStrength.com - FREE
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