Time: 4:45PM
Place: Top of Jacobs
Equipment: KB (2 x 12, 2 x 16, 20, 24), Medicine Ball, sled, 20m rope, weight plates
Warm Up: 1 x Jacobs (go hard)
Endurance: Jacobs/Kakoda Scratch Race
Rod: 17 minutes
Damon/Paul: 14 minutes
Joel: 11 1/2 minutes
Stef: 11 minutes
Strength Circuit:
1 minute intense work/30 seconds rest until you collapse (or time is 6:15PM)
A: 15 meter sled drag, 5 clap push ups
B: 5kg ball slam burpie combo
C: 12 kg KB manmakers
D: 20m 20kg weighted seated rope pull (fast)
E: 5 KB swing, 3 breath rest, repeat
497 | Destroy Your Weakness Before It Destroys You
STRONG Life Podcast ep 497 Brought to you by http://ZachStrength.com - FREE
STRENGTH TRAINING COURSES Thanks to our Friends at https://dfndusa.com/ -
3 days ago
great session, the scratch race was good for most of us, I ran a pb of 13:20 and caught Rod just before rounding the last bend, Damo overtook me just before that and Joel a bit before that so it worked out well.
It was also pretty hot.
The strength circuit was excellent, we started after a bit of a delay so I don't know if anyone would have collapsed if we did it for longer but about 35minutes of work I think. Good intervals and good exercises.
it would have been interesting with a bit more time in the circuit, I know I was tiring but I could have gone for maybe 10 minutes longer before collapse. Need to find a series of exercises/rhythm that will create a collapse point :-)
The Jacobs/Kakoda run is continuing to challenge all of us and push us to transcend previous limits. Rods time of 16:20 is a stand out from his previous best.
Watch out for The Legion this Sunday..........
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