Time: 7:30AM AWDT (This means 6:30AM if you don’t change your clocks for daylight savings)
Workout: Damon’s Gym
Deadlift 1RM
Bench Press 1RM
(Squat to be done next week)
Location: Carpark at the Top of Riverside Drive
Equipment: 2 x Sleds, 2 x Fat Ropes, KB (16, 20, 28), 2x V2.0 Slosh Pipes, Weight Plates (Total 100kg)
1 x SloshPipe Static Overhead Hold – For max time(Winner of Slosh Pipe challenge chooses teams for next two challenges)
Sled Pull & Push /Slosh Pipe Tag Team Partner Challenge
P1: 3x 10m “Sled Pull” (pull sled along fat rope looped at the end of the sled, then push sled to return to start point. The sled weight will be set at indicatively 60% of BW)
P2: Slosh Pipe V2.0 Zercher walk until “Sled Pull & Push” completed (Course to be determined)
3 Rounds
"Kettlebell Swing and Shuttle" – Partner Challenge
10x KB Swing @ 16kg then carry 10 meters and sprint back
7x KB Swing @ 20kg then carry 20 meters and sprint back
5x KB Swing @ 28kg then carry 30 meters and sprint back
Tag partner
Partner sprints to 16kg KB, carries it back, swings it 10x
Sprint to 20kg KB, carry it back, swing it 7x
Sprint to 28kg KB, carry it back, swing it 5x
This is one round, do three rounds for time against the other team
Breakfast at Damon’s – Have a chance to discuss goal setting, training objectives and plan for rest of year training.

Idea for a future Workout…….. let me know what you think or ideas to make it more challenging
"Heartbreak Hill" – Fourth Avenue
Round 1
Wheel barrow loaded w/ 140kg down the hill and back
10x One-arm KB Snatches w/20kg each arm
12x Pull-ups
Round 2
Farmer Carry with 2x 32kg kb down the hill and back up
10x One-arm KB Snatches w/20kg each arm
12x Pull-ups
Round 3
Wheel barrow loaded w/ 140kg down the hill and back
10x One-arm KB Snatches w/20kg each arm
12x Pull-ups
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