Warm up and stretch
1x Jacobs – sprint as hard as you can
REST – 1-2mins
1x Jacobs – sprint as hard as you can
REST – 1 -2mins
Bottom of Jacobs – 2 footed “box jumping” all the way up +
20 x KB clean and press at top +
20 x Parrelette push ups +
20 Burpies +
20 atomic sit ups +
Down Jacobs and then sprint up +
REST – 3mins
KB snatches x 15 each arm +
15 – 20 Dips on railings at top of ladder +
Free Bear crawls up “short” street at top of Jacobs +
10 diamond x push ups at top +
10 x tuck jumps +
20 x atomic sit ups +
Walk back down for recovery
OPTIONAL (sprint up mount street)
Cool down, stretch and rest
497 | Destroy Your Weakness Before It Destroys You
STRONG Life Podcast ep 497 Brought to you by - FREE
STRENGTH TRAINING COURSES Thanks to our Friends at -
3 days ago
1 comment:
This is Wednesday's program! accept it and fuk up! you wanted to be included rod! here you are! hope you all suffer thinking about the suffering we are going to experience on wednesday...
and Paul, shut your mouth and embrace the pain! i don't want to hear your whining little voice complaining how easy you think its going to be, it will be easy when you move faster than me... :)
love stef :)
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