didn't fatigue in the way I expected, bucketloads of sweat, partly because of the warm afternoon but mostly because man-makers make you sweat something crazy!
weary and soggy afterwards, stef commented that his hands looked & felt like he'd been in the bath for 35 minutes.
because of the level of soggyness we swapped the 100 pullups for cashing out with max pullups:
stef: 23 rod: 12 paul: 26
loosed another prize winning flapper on the right hand...
i didn't even know what man makers were until i googled it after reading the post... they sound completely and utterly heinous. will have to give them a go some time.
497 | Destroy Your Weakness Before It Destroys You
STRONG Life Podcast ep 497 Brought to you by http://ZachStrength.com - FREE
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Friday 31 July 2015
CROSSFIT Strength 12.4 1) Back Squat 5 x 2 x 85% 2) Pull Up 4 x 6 WOD 3
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Member Rules For Rate My Physique
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First Rule.....This is not My Space, Bodyspace, and so on.
Second Rule.....Rating photo requirements are
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2) B...
Jas Pelham (Head coach) "I started CrossFit in 2006 after 20 years
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I quickly re...
hooooo boy, this was a great session. simple, brutal, effective.
paul: 28:59 @ 12kg KB
stef: 34:05 @ 16kg KB
rod: 36:45 @ 8kg DB
didn't fatigue in the way I expected, bucketloads of sweat, partly because of the warm afternoon but mostly because man-makers make you sweat something crazy!
weary and soggy afterwards, stef commented that his hands looked & felt like he'd been in the bath for 35 minutes.
because of the level of soggyness we swapped the 100 pullups for cashing out with max pullups:
stef: 23
rod: 12
paul: 26
loosed another prize winning flapper on the right hand...
great program, highly recommended!
i didn't even know what man makers were until i googled it after reading the post... they sound completely and utterly heinous. will have to give them a go some time.
:) there are few better or even comparable movements that will kick your butt faster!
interested to hear anyone's thoughts on comparing KB mm's to DB mm's. they are definitely different and not in ways you really expect...
go heavy gus!
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