why? BECAUSE there is only one true way to sweat blood, and that is with blue, paul and jaws...
great workouts you guys are doing! fantastic! really working hard! im so proud of you all! i will blog all my workouts when i return, just a short note for today,l to let you guys know, i am truly thinking of you back home, its great here, but home is home... :)
ok il let you guys know what i did today, nearly two hours of work, an dlet me tell you johnny and i were really feeling it! we will try this one back home, it is very fatiguing! very different, today was an exeriment, as this paryticular workout hasnt been done before in this sequence, etc...
warm up - 10 15mins row with some short sprints
airdyne (deluxe but hell) 8 x 20sec/10sec - aim for 8 - 10 cal per 20sec
rest 2mins
50 x pull ups
100 x push up
150 x air squat
to do anyway / sequence
rest 2mins
rower - 8 x 20sec/10sec - aim for 6 - 8 cal per 20sec
grip work between myself, josh, mark, johnny and james
fat bar DL at 106pound +
30sec fat rope pull ups holds +
2 x forearm twists
x3 (rest as required)
3 x 2min OH slosh pipe holds
between me, josh, james and johnny - lots of rest
but let me tell you doesnt look like much, but fuck! it hurt! bad, going all out on the tabatas, were hell! it really puts u in a hole..
guys my time here has definently not been wasted, it has been a joyous experience thus far, and all the guys here are brilliant, tony is an awsome traininer and they are all a wealth of knowledge? why? becasue they commit themselves to be... its that simple, i have learnt much, and we have much to discuss when i return, in terms of structuring training, and goal setting, etc, we have alot to speak about and go through! i wont say much here, we will speak in person, and that is not far away!
much love to my brothers, i think of you all the time, and when im here and hurting, i tell myself to keep pushing, becasue i am in a blessed position, and must take advantage of this tremendous opportunity, not only for myself, but for my freinds back home in perth...
train hard, allow the mind to go and the body has but no choice to follow
sweat blood and love much
yours humbally
497 | Destroy Your Weakness Before It Destroys You
STRONG Life Podcast ep 497 Brought to you by http://ZachStrength.com - FREE
STRENGTH TRAINING COURSES Thanks to our Friends at https://dfndusa.com/ -
3 days ago
mate, really good to hear from you!
great to hear you are getting fully stuck into the training and keeping track of everything.
i noticed in your workout you mention there is a 'heat the pan' like we did (5 x pullup, 10 x pushup, 15 x squat - 10 rounds) that we have used as a killer warmup in the past. nice one.
don't give up, keep up the pace and leave it all on the floor. can't wait to hear more about your education.
we're thinking of you, stay safe, stay in contact and sweat blood like no-one's watching.
seeya champ
your comments inspire me my friend, i will sweat blood as much as i can!
love stef
Hey guys - long time no hear. Good to see you are as hardcore as ever. I still would love to catch with you guys for a session or two in Perth in the near future.
Stef - I haven't met you yet but I have met your boys. Saw your pic on the gym jones website. Shit I am jealous as hell that you are learning and working with the experts. Sounds like you are savouring the experience.
Speak to you guys soon
ryan, good to hear from you mate, get in touch and let us know when you are available for a session, we'll put something special together!
train hard!
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