WHERE: at the ladder (F#*k the residents)
EQUIP: damons and stefs sand bags, 12's KB, 16's KB, 20's KB, 24's KB, parralettes,
MOE it UP: KB complex: To be done on grass area up top
single arm KB split jerk x 10 total +
Goblet squat x 10 +
snatches x 10 total +
Clean and press x 10 total +
2 x KB swings x 10 total +
2 handed OHS x 10 +
Halo x 10 each direction +
2 x KB Front squat x 10 +
2 x KB Rack lunges / alternating x 10 total +
renegade rows x 10 total
MOE it DOWN: sand bag challenge:
1 x sandbag each down the ladder x 2 (at the top of each ladder execute 10 x sand bag full cleans on each shoulder)
STEF's PAUL SENIOR BEST MATE: team challenge:
2 teams of 2:
each person must get up and down the ladder twice each as quick as possible. rules: can only do one ladder at a time, only one person from each team on the ladder at any one given time, and when resting at the top, sand bag on back and squatting deep at own pace, whilst waiting for your partner! ALL FOR TIME!
Down Mount street, up mount street, down jacobs, up jacobs (with sandbag), down jacobs, up jacobs (free) to finish off!
NOW THATS ALL FOR LOVE AND THE SHAVING OF RODNEY, the rabbit, the zercher, our now spiritual leader KANTOR!!!
497 | Destroy Your Weakness Before It Destroys You
STRONG Life Podcast ep 497 Brought to you by http://ZachStrength.com - FREE
STRENGTH TRAINING COURSES Thanks to our Friends at https://dfndusa.com/ -
3 days ago
1 comment:
another good session, a solid hour of sweating.
the kb complex looks tough on paper and it was a quality full body warmup.
lots of sandbag work on the ladder, the cleans were good and the squats (+pushups :D) were great with the bag on.
mount st really hurt and the last ladder runs were painful... i was shattered afterwards and although very tired, didn't sleep well.
teams for the sandbag challenge were me+damo, rod+stef. we don't need to relive who won.
alright we do, it was us!! woo!
lots of traffic on the ladder after about 5:30pm, into the darkness with 4 friendly law enforcement officers looking on.
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