Time: 8:30am
Equipment: 2 x sets of parallettes (DB & RK), 1 x 24kg KB (DB), 3 x 20kg KB (DB & RK), 3 x 16kg KB (PG & SS), 1 x 12kg KB (SS), 1 x 8kg KB (PG), 4 x SB (DB & SS)
Med ball touch or tennis ball full contact grid-iron
Our Home is Hurt by Sea 2
10 x Sprawls
10 x Hindu pushups
10 x KB snatches
10 x lateral jump over parallettes
10 x KB deck squats
10 x SB bridge & throw
Max rounds in 30 minutes
497 | Destroy Your Weakness Before It Destroys You
STRONG Life Podcast ep 497 Brought to you by http://ZachStrength.com - FREE
STRENGTH TRAINING COURSES Thanks to our Friends at https://dfndusa.com/ -
3 days ago
Another magic day down the beach (altough with a high tide again there wasn't a lot of beach to speak of...).
For a warmup we decided instead to play a game of British Bulldog, slightly modified (there were only 4 of us) where the first takedown was by touch and thereafter full contact! Plenty of sprinting, dodging and tackling meant this was a very demanding warmup and was heaps of fun.
The circuit was good, changed to 3 rounds which took 20mins (everyone was fairly taxed already); the SB bridge & throw didn't work too well so changed to clean & press.
Followed up by a swim on the shortest day of the year.
This was our last session with Stef before he heads to SLS for some education. We're expecting to hear about righteous pain while you're away and enlightenment when you come back a little more redeemed; make the most of the opportunity and don't leave with unanswered questions.
sweat blood lml.
for those folks playing at home, a sprawl is a burpee variation as follows:
1. drop into pushup position with feet together
2. spread feet to hand width
3. descend to bottom of pushup
4. explode out of pushup with body roll to land on your back (facing the sky)
5. explode off your back using feet/hips/shoulders to be in pushups position again
6. spring/jump up to be finished in standing position
that's 1 rep; repeat fast as you would a burpee.
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