Monday, April 28, 2008
Wednesday 30th April 2007 - Kings Park
Location: Jacobs Ladder
Equipment: sandbags, chains
No warmup.
Breaking in the Bags
1 x ladder with sandbag
1 x ladder with chains
1 x ladder free
4 Rounds (12 ladders total)
*If the heavy bag is there, everyone must use it on at least 1 of the 12 runs
Compare to these times, I reckon we can all crack the 60min mark this time!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Sunday 27th April 2008
Time: 8:30AM
Equipment: Damon’s sand bags, 1 x tyre, 2 x sleds, KB’s, warehouse gym.
For Rod “Blue” Kantor - “You’re my boy, blue!”
Warm up - Teams of 3
Sandbag relay: if your not moving your hovering to push up (length will be disclosed on day)
X3 back to back
Session: Zone 1
ZONE 1: Teams of 2 – Damon and Stef – Joe and Blue – Jason and Paul
OBJECTIVE – to complete as many reps as possible in 3 mins with a 1min rest inbetween sub zones, each sub zone to be completed twice by each team. The one minute rest is to regain composure and record reps between partners. Total reps will be tallied up at the end of the session.
-6 different sub zones (to be completed in any order)
Sub zone 1: Tyre flips – max number of flips per person at one time is 5, then swap
Sub zone 2: Sled pushes at BW – 1 rep = 1x25m length (sleds will be positioned outside)
Sub zone 3: Max pull ups
Sub zone 4: Max Man Makers (each DB or KB to weigh roughly 20% of individuals BW)
Sub zone 5: BB Clean & Jerk – at 60% of BW
Sub zone 6: Turkish Get ups
ZONE 2: Teams of 3 – Damon, Paul & Jason – Stef, Blue & Joe
OBJECTIVE: Each member to complete below circuit as quickly as possible: this zone is done for time, the team with a combined total of lesser reps based on the ir individual reps done in previous zone has a staggered start, 1 rep = -2 seconds.
6 x total heavy KB get ups +
25m farmer carry – heavy +
25m free bear Crawl +
25 x parralette push ups +
12 x total sand bag get ups +
12 x total heavy bench step ups holding a total of 80% of BW in DB’s

Friday 25th April 2008
Time: 4:00PM
Equipment: Tyres (2), Sled with dragging chain (2), KBs (2x16, 2x20, 2x24, 1x28), Slosh Pipes (2), Weight Plates, Heavy Back packs, ropes (2)
Message from Jason on his new blog: If there is one day of the year to go hard in a session, tomorrow's (ANZAC day) the day. No whinging, no whining. Just shut up and go hard. Anything has to be better than running up a skinny little beach on the other side of the world with blokes in cliffs raining hell on you.
Warm up 1:
Slosh Pipe overhead Hold for max time (aim for 7:05)
KB Complex:
10 x Swings (each hand)
10 x Hi Pulls
10 x 1 arm over head squat (each hand)
10 x Halo
10 x Snatch (each hand)
10 x Bottom Up Military Press
10 x Cleans (each Hand)
10 x Pushups
10 x one arm rows (each hand)
Tyre Flip (20) with weighted back pack +
100m OH Slosh Pipe walk (or if compromise is needed Zercher hold) +
Drag Sled (50m forward + 50m backward) @ Body Weight (excluding sled weight) +
4 x 10M KB weighted rope pulls
5 rounds for each
Then when finished to the play ground:
Pull-up breathing ladder: 1-6-1
Wednesday 23rd April 2008
Place: Jacobs Ladder
Equipment: Kettlebells - 2 x 16; 2 x 20; 1 x 24; paralettes, Light DB
Warm up: KB Complex
10 x Swings (each hand)
10 x Hi Pulls
10 x 1 arm over head squat (each hand)
10 x Halo
10 x Snatch (each hand)
10 x Bottom Up KB Military Press
10 x KB Cleans (each Hand)
10 x KB Pushups
10 x one arm rows (each hand)
Exercise Session:
5 KB or DB Manmakers +
15 paralette push-ups (down, count two breaths, explode up, one breath, down) +
30 breath KB rack hold (if possible in half squat position back against the wall) +
Ladder for speed
7 rounds
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Saturday 19th April 2008 - Combat Readiness Circuit
Place: Kensington
Time: 4:00PM
Equipment: truck tyres(x2), KB (1x16, 2x20, 2x24,1x28), sleds with chain (x2), weights (6x20, 2x10), ropes (2), sledge hammers
Warm up:
KB Concrete complex
10 x Swings (each hand)
10 x Hi Pulls
10 x 1 arm over head squat (each hand)
10 x Halo
10 x Snatch (each hand)
10 x Bottom Up KB Military Press
10 x KB Cleans (each Hand)
10 x KB Pushups
10 x one arm rows (each hand)
Exercise Session:
1A) 1 arm KB or DB clean & press x 5 each arm
1B) pull ups x 5 reps (weighted if possible)
1C) tyre flip x 3 reps
1D) sled drag forward / backwards x 30M each direction
(NOTE: finish each drag with a hand over hand sled pull until the sled reaches your feet)
Each of us to do 1 round for time to test circuit
Then: Max rounds in 10 minutes (2 at a time)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Thursday 17 April - Jacob's Ladder
Equipment: Plate weights - 2 x 10 and 2 x 20 kgs; Kettlebells - 2 x 12; 2 x 16; 2 x 20; 1 x 24; 1 x 28; paralettes
Warm up:
Sandbag relay on Cliff Street / hovers x 3
Exercise Session:
1 minute goblet squats
1 minute paralette push-ups
1 minute step-ups
above in any order
lunge up Cliff Street with plate weights in each hand (10kg PG; RK: 20 kg DB or 12 kg and 16 kg KBs)
Ladder for speed
Rest for 2 minutes
4 rounds
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Wednesday 16th April 2008 - Jacobs Ladder
Equipment: 2x16kg KB, 2x20kg KB
Concrete Complex
10 x Swings (each hand)
10 x Hi Pulls
10 x 1 arm over head squat (each hand)
10 x Halo
10 x Snatch (each hand)
10 x Bottom Up KB Military Press
10 x KB Cleans (each Hand)
10 x KB Pushups
10 x one arm rows (each hand)
I Pity the Fool (Variations)
Goblet walk up Cliff St, forward walking swings down, 1 x ladder
Backward walking swings up Cliff St, goblet walk down, 1 x ladder
Goblet walk up Cliff St, backward walking swings down, 1 x ladder
Forward walking swings up Cliff St, goblet walk down, 1 x ladder
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Sunday 13th April 2008
Place: Jacobs Ladder
Warm up
Max Slosh pipe hold
10 x Swings (each hand)
10 x Hi Pulls
10 x 1 arm over head squat (each hand)
10 x Halo
10 x Snatch (each hand)
10 x Bottom Up KB Military Press
10 x KB Cleans (each Hand)
10 x KB Pushups
10 x one arm rows (each hand)
Sequence 1
Slosh Pipe Hold (aim to hold over head until next person arrives back if not then Zercher hold with squats) +
Heavy Sand Bag or ‘Bag of Chains’ backward drag up Cliff St +
Sandbag Overhead Walk down Cliff St
3 rounds
Sequence 2
20 x KB (16s) Renegade Rows +
1 x ladder (Damon to substitute: Towel KB (20kg) iso-metric holds fast walk up and down Cliff St x2) +
20 x Slosh Pipe Military Press (if subs required KB Bottoms up military press - Finger and thumb pressing a bottom up KB with two hands)
3 rounds
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Wednesday 9th April - Jacob's Ladder
Equipment: kettlbells, 5kg medicine ball, 1 x parallettes
KB Concrete Complex
I Pity The Fool
Walking KB swing (RK 16kg, PG 20kg, DB 24kg) up Cliff St
Walk down goblet hold
1 x ladder
4 Rounds
DB: Sub ladder for 30 ball slams & 10 parallette pushups
Friday, April 4, 2008
About where we train for Sweating Blood
Jacobs ladder
Jacob's Ladder is just short of 300 hundred steps will take you on a steep 43 metre descent from Cliff Street near Kings Park down to Mounts Bay Road. It is not unusual for us to carry heavy objects up and down the ladder for more resistance and intensity.
The Kokoda Walk begins at Kennedy Fountain on Mounts Bay Road and you will climb 150 steep steps (with a vertical rise of 62m). The Jacobs-Kokoda run we often use as an intense 2.5-3km run that starts at the top of Jacobs, down the ladder across to Kokoda, up Kokoda and right up the path to Kings Park and back to the ladder.
DNA Tower
The DNA tower is in the middle of Kings Park close by to the Womans Memorial Parklands. The DNA Tower is so named because it resembles the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) double-helix molecule, which is found in all cells and control the development of life. The 15m high staircase has 101 steps and was inspired by a double staircase in a Chateau at Blois in France.
Kensington Primary
Kensington primary is on Banksia St Kensington and is a great place to train with an open football oval and a playground with lots of options for different forms of pull ups.
We have trained at City Beach, Cottesloe, and Port beaches and combine beach sprints, swimming and kettlebell work for intense cross-training boot camps.
We are not limited where we train and look for other locations around Perth that are suitable for our type of training. Anywhere is possible and locations are chosen based on the type of workout we choose to do on a particular session.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Sunday 6th April - The Beautiful Workout
When: Sunday 6th April 7:30AM
Equipment: Sandbag, Light DB (x3), KB (1x16, 1x20, 1x24), towel
To Bella, may she rest peacefully in the spiritual realm of human wisdom and knowing…The different stages represent the word "beautiful" which is Damon’s grandmothers name in Italian. Bella passed away this week. The themes of the workout are written in different languages, Italian, English, Spanish French and Greek…
Beautiful warm up:
Sand bag relay, if your not moving, sand bag to hover relay
X3 back to back
New KB complex:
-Single arm swings x10 each arm
-Squat press x10
-Deck squat x 10
-Over head towel swings x10 each direction
-Hand to Hand bentover swing – in the bottom half of the goodmorning position, swing KB. X10 each arm
-KB single arm snatches x10 each arm
-KB Two hand anyhow Windmills x 10 each arm
-KB single arm power clean and jerk x10 each arm
-Halo x10 each direction
-Hindu push ups x10
-1 x ladder sprint
1 x Jacobs fast +
Lunge up cliff st +
Run down mount and then up mount st
X2 non stop
Sand bag clean, press x15 +
Bear crawl (free) up cliff st for time, fast +
Run back down +
Man Makers x 15
X2 non stop
Finish off with Kokoda run for time