Place: Warehouse Fitness
Time: 8:30AM
Equipment: Damon’s sand bags, 1 x tyre, 2 x sleds, KB’s, warehouse gym.
For Rod “Blue” Kantor - “You’re my boy, blue!”
Warm up - Teams of 3
Sandbag relay: if your not moving your hovering to push up (length will be disclosed on day)
X3 back to back
Session: Zone 1
ZONE 1: Teams of 2 – Damon and Stef – Joe and Blue – Jason and Paul
OBJECTIVE – to complete as many reps as possible in 3 mins with a 1min rest inbetween sub zones, each sub zone to be completed twice by each team. The one minute rest is to regain composure and record reps between partners. Total reps will be tallied up at the end of the session.
-6 different sub zones (to be completed in any order)
Sub zone 1: Tyre flips – max number of flips per person at one time is 5, then swap
Sub zone 2: Sled pushes at BW – 1 rep = 1x25m length (sleds will be positioned outside)
Sub zone 3: Max pull ups
Sub zone 4: Max Man Makers (each DB or KB to weigh roughly 20% of individuals BW)
Sub zone 5: BB Clean & Jerk – at 60% of BW
Sub zone 6: Turkish Get ups
ZONE 2: Teams of 3 – Damon, Paul & Jason – Stef, Blue & Joe
OBJECTIVE: Each member to complete below circuit as quickly as possible: this zone is done for time, the team with a combined total of lesser reps based on the ir individual reps done in previous zone has a staggered start, 1 rep = -2 seconds.
6 x total heavy KB get ups +
25m farmer carry – heavy +
25m free bear Crawl +
25 x parralette push ups +
12 x total sand bag get ups +
12 x total heavy bench step ups holding a total of 80% of BW in DB’s
Time: 8:30AM
Equipment: Damon’s sand bags, 1 x tyre, 2 x sleds, KB’s, warehouse gym.
For Rod “Blue” Kantor - “You’re my boy, blue!”
Warm up - Teams of 3
Sandbag relay: if your not moving your hovering to push up (length will be disclosed on day)
X3 back to back
Session: Zone 1
ZONE 1: Teams of 2 – Damon and Stef – Joe and Blue – Jason and Paul
OBJECTIVE – to complete as many reps as possible in 3 mins with a 1min rest inbetween sub zones, each sub zone to be completed twice by each team. The one minute rest is to regain composure and record reps between partners. Total reps will be tallied up at the end of the session.
-6 different sub zones (to be completed in any order)
Sub zone 1: Tyre flips – max number of flips per person at one time is 5, then swap
Sub zone 2: Sled pushes at BW – 1 rep = 1x25m length (sleds will be positioned outside)
Sub zone 3: Max pull ups
Sub zone 4: Max Man Makers (each DB or KB to weigh roughly 20% of individuals BW)
Sub zone 5: BB Clean & Jerk – at 60% of BW
Sub zone 6: Turkish Get ups
ZONE 2: Teams of 3 – Damon, Paul & Jason – Stef, Blue & Joe
OBJECTIVE: Each member to complete below circuit as quickly as possible: this zone is done for time, the team with a combined total of lesser reps based on the ir individual reps done in previous zone has a staggered start, 1 rep = -2 seconds.
6 x total heavy KB get ups +
25m farmer carry – heavy +
25m free bear Crawl +
25 x parralette push ups +
12 x total sand bag get ups +
12 x total heavy bench step ups holding a total of 80% of BW in DB’s
Reps for Zone 1

sunday 8.30 start! thats wat i think is good! :)
what was the comment deleted there?
why so late, princess?
fuk up because the warehouse opens at 8.30, plus the boss mite want you to do chores before you train, so means you have to get up earlier and do them, oh and did i also mention fuk up! :)
As of tomorrow morning, the Warehouse is open from 8am on Sunday's. I vote we still keep it at 8.30am!
Oh, and that looks fukn painful Damon you sadistic bastard
Jason, cant claim this one, this is all Stefs work.
Todays session was a real test of strength, endurance and will. It was a good concept - and despite the length of time in setting up and getting going - was a great session worthy of revisiting.
Both Fridays session and today involved a lot of work and I am starting to feel the effects of that work now as I write.
looking forward to this weeks training.
Grover or Zerch I think this next one is yours.
great work today guys, feeling great just fatigued and slightly drained, it was awsome working with you guys today, i also feel todays session was great, lengthy setting up, but most definently worth it, upon reflection, without the setting up, its well sub 1hr of work time, that is great! thank you for a session definently worth revisiting, the warehouse suited us perfectly
sweat blood
stef :)
As a fighter and trainer it always is interesting to check out how others go about fitness. In my world the unconventional is conventional. Good luck.
that was a great session, lots of high intensity bursts and the comp at the end was rediculous, i was seriously oxygen deprived, seeing stars but kept pushing.
i think the photo jason took (on his training blog) isn't too accurate, i was far more fatigued than i look. haha
Richard, thanks for dropping us a line, i am having a look at your site and it looks like we might be able to share some ideas; stay in touch and feel free to post as you please.
we are going old school on wednesday.
oh and by the way i asked stef to send me the stats from sunday's session so i can compare my numbers against everyone else. i think i was quite far behind but not sure why.
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