Time: 8:00am (meet at Poplar Cottage Brookton Highway) for a 8:30AM start at venue to be determined. Including the trek should take about 2 to 2 1/2 hours all up.
Equipment 2xSleds, 50kg of weight plates (2x20kg 2x 10kg), KBs (3x20kg, 2x16kg, 2x12kg)
KB Complex 10 x single arm swings 10 x goblet squats 10 x deck squats 10 x halo each direction 10 x clean & jerk each hand 10 x snatch each hand 10 x OH lunge each hand 10 x around the world each direction 10 x figure 8 each direction 10 x push ups on KB
Rest 3-5mins
Workout 1:
TM1: Sprint 30M with weighted sled turn around sprint 30M back then
Release harness (with TM2 to attach) then
TM1: With two kettlebells for the physically able (20kg Damon 16kg Paul, 12 kg Rod) and one KB (20kg) for the physically handicapped, clean the bells once and press them overhead two times. Lower to the floor and rest for a few seconds. Clean the bells once again and press them three times overhead. Rest. On the next "set," press them five times, then briefly rest again. Finally, clean the bells and press them 10 times.
On completion of the KB series then switch to T2 while T1 rests and prepares for next round
5 rounds for each team member for time
Workout 2
6km trek through the Roleystone bush
Workout 3
Mystery workout
Then: 1km walk to Araluen back to car then breakfast in Roleystone
The Introduction - KB Complex 10 x single arm swings 10 x goblet squats 10 x deck squats 10 x halo each direction 10 x clean & jerk each hand 10 x snatch each hand 10 x OH lunge each hand 10 x around the world each direction 10 x figure 8 each direction 10 x push ups on KB
Rest 3-5mins
The Pain Teams of 2 - RACE TIME
P1 sprints 200m whilst P2 executes hover to push up Each person to complete 2 x 200m sprints Team who completes this first wins
Rest 3-5mins
The Punishment P1 piggie backs P2 - 50m, P2 then completes 10 burpies whilst P1 rests, then P1 piggie backs P2 back to starting point, THEN swap. This would equal 1 x round. Each team must complete 2 x rounds FOR TIME - team who completes theis first wins
Rest 3-5mins
The Finisher 30sec / 30sec frog jumps - 4mins - AIM: 25 jumps min per 30sec block 2mins rest 2 Rounds
A special session - the first of a killer week with Damon back on board!!
Time: 4:00pm
Warmup Skip, pullup, squat until warm
Jaws Crusher! Working in teams of two, there are five stations, athletes will alternate until the team completes all prescribed sets on a station before moving to the next - each prescription is to be completed by every athlete
1. 250m row (2) 2. 10 x box jumps (4) 3. 10 x burpees (4) 4. 10 x pullups (4) 5. 10 x man-makers (4) 6. 250m row (2)
First team finished gets to choose a punishment for the losing team of which all other teams will complete @ 75%
Workout looks like (where p1 and p2 are the two athletes in a team): P1 rows 250m, p2 rows 250m, p1 rows 250m, p2 rows 250m; change stations, p1 10 box jumps, p2 10 box jumps, p1 10 box jumps etc until every athlete completes prescribed reps/sets above!
Using a bar equal to your bodyweight, with a continuously running clock do one front squat the first minute, two front squats the second minute, three front squats the third minute . . . continuing as long as you are able.
5 x Incline Press super set with 5 x one arm row
10 x pistol
10 x L-pullup
10 x air box squat
10 x back box squat @ 50% 1RM
10 x front box squat @ BW
Today was all about form and making our practices perfect Well done Paul and Anth for giving painstorm a crack! Solid effort boys, after what we did! Rod and I were detained Coaching...
Time: 0730
Warmup 20 x squat 15 x KB power-bomb (16kg or 20kg) 10 x skiing lunge 5 x burpee 3 rounds - easy pace with partner or rotating
Skills & Drills 10 x pistol 10 x L-pullup 10 x air box squat 10 x back box squat @ 50% 1RM 10 x front box squat @ BW 3 rounds, not for time
Painstorm!! Using a bar equal to your bodyweight, with a continuously running clock do one front squat the first minute, two front squats the second minute, three front squats the third minute . . . continuing as long as you are able.
497 | Destroy Your Weakness Before It Destroys You
STRONG Life Podcast ep 497 Brought to you by http://ZachStrength.com - FREE
STRENGTH TRAINING COURSES Thanks to our Friends at https://dfndusa.com/ -
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