We are aware at Sweating Blood that we have not paid our fullest attention to document what it is we aim to achieve, we have been heavily involved in other important communial projects and have negelected documenting our progress over the past few months. These projects are justified by our commitmnet to expanding what we do and creating a space where we can flourish to a greater capacity and ensure continual positive growth. Our dedictaion remains more powerful than ever, our intensity is constantly increasing and our heart remains strong with what we know is true. Our training has been seperate at times, yet always in sync with where we are going. I speak strongly on behalf of all of us when i state that our commitment to SB is stronger than ever. careful thought in to our training is at it's highest peak, research in to greater methodoligies, more efficient pathways to attaining pure strength, raw power and balance in performance is at it's most intense it's ever been, and it can only grow from here.
Enough said for now, we are still here and still fighting strong...
497 | Destroy Your Weakness Before It Destroys You
STRONG Life Podcast ep 497 Brought to you by http://ZachStrength.com - FREE
STRENGTH TRAINING COURSES Thanks to our Friends at https://dfndusa.com/ -
3 days ago
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