Well as Stef so eloquently put it, things have been a bit quieter around these parts recently. That's not to say the training, motivation or dedication have slipped, in fact, quite the opposite!
Several months ago a game-changing deal was struck between two gentlemen who share a vision of delivering unprecedented and until now, unattainable levels of elite fitness to the population of Western Australia.
The concept has been lovingly nurtured from it's initial inception through white-hot fire and bone-chilling cold to develop into what will become the premiere strength, conditioning, fitness and health training facility in the state:
As the logo suggests, The Cell is about real fitness - all aspects of fitness, not just the physical.
The Cell has been in the making for some time now, our very own Stef has teamed up with Jason (formerly of
Ultimate CrossFit Perth) to create a team that is bigger than the sum of it's parts; they each bring a wealth of experience, knowledge and enthusiasm to the party that can't be beaten!
The Sweating Blood team has been working behind the scenes to assist this fantastic venture and as you will quickly see the philosophy is 100% unified. This is a path we have travelled down over the past several years to arrive at a juncture where we are able to take it to the people on a whole new level!
The Cell brings together methodologies adopted from
CrossFit (it will continue to be Perth's only official CrossFit affiliate),
Gym Jones,
The Underground Strength Coach - Zach Even-Esh,
Ross Enamait,
The Diesel Crew and many others including plenty we have developed and documented right here on Sweating Blood!
Make no mistake, The Cell will kick ass and will not stand still for dawdlers to jump on board!
Enthusiasm at the new facility is bristling, members are flooding in with haste! We all know this is something special as it's grown so naturally through trial, sweat and no small amount of blood!
What does this mean for Sweating Blood you ask? Good question.
Sweating Blood will live on, it is intrinsically linked to The Cell, part of the ever-expanding fitness community we love. As it has done over it's short life to date, Sweating Blood will continue to evolve, we will continue to train together regularly and bring the pain with methods new & old!
We have plans to run some more open boot camps, building on the success of the last one where the energy levels were overwhelming; we have been fortunate to continue training with some of the wonderful people we first met that day! Look out for more to come!
And so it is with incredible pride, zeal and gratitude that I direct your attention to
The Cell! Drink it in! If you want real fitness, continue on the journey with us as we take the next step!!
Yours in health, fitness and all things Sweating Blood,
Paul, Rod, Damon & Coach Stef.