12.30pm to 3.30pm
Where: Warehouse Fitness Centre
Hampton Road, South Fremantle
Cost: FREE
The CrossFit Total is a 3 lift maximum effort competition consisting of the
1) Back Squat
2) Press
3) Deadlift
Competitors are allowed 3 attempts at each lift.
There is a Men's and Women's Division. No weight division's apply.
The winner is the person who has the highest total (CrossFit Total) of the 3 lifts. For further information, copies of the rules or to register, please contact Jason on 0417 977 699 or via email at crossfitperth@hotmail.com.
You must pre-register and registrations close Saturday 10th May 2008.
good turnout and a really good afternoon of lifting, some very impressive results.
it was great meeting a bunch of new people and that jamie is an inspiration being about the same height as me, 10kg heavier but boy can he lift some weight! damn.
seeing rod pull 140kg again (slower but without much strain) was great.
personally I was disappointed with my second squat attempt @ 110kg, should have gone much deeper so it shouldn't count.
interesting how the 50kg press was so easy and 55kg was so hard for me... should have incremented smaller. something to definitely work on - also took note of how the big loads were pressed, elbows forward: i'll work on this some more.
my results:
squat 100kg, 110kg(f), 110kg(not deep enough)
press 50kg, 55kg(f), 55kg(f)
dl 110kg, 120kg, 130kg
total 280kg
pr by 10kg in the dl from pulling 120kg last week and 115kg last time we tested at the TSC.
also I weighted in @ 68kg on the scales at the gym that start @ 2kg so does that mean i'm 66kg or what?
anyway, was impressed with the dl, squat and press need attention.
well done to all!
Richard seymour here, wanted to share with you a Intense training session. Just pulled off today with my younger brother here in west Africa. 10 reps 225pds squats, 25 pull ups,10 reps 275 deadlifts, 10 reps 225 bench press, 10 reps 150 bent over row. No rest..move one to the next, complete the five exercises now thats one set. We did four sets! Maybe you can guest write for my blog some time.
Take care
My results:
squat 140kg, 160kg(f), 160kg(f)
press: 60kg, 76kg, 80kg (f)
DL: 160kg, 180kg, 196kg
CFT of 412
After an squat @ 140kg with ease, 160kg seemed to be an achievable progression but proved to be a little too much on the day. Still recovering from a knee injury and have to acknowledge where I am at in my recovery.
This is a score significantly less than the 450 from September last year, and far from the 500 I am aim for in my goals. Focus and intensity will need to be injected into my training to get any where near these lifts.
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