Friday, February 29, 2008

3rd March 2008 - Kensington

Where: Kensington Primary

When: 5:00PM

Equipment: Plates (6x20, 2x10), Sled, fat rope, KB (2x 20, 2x24, 1x16), Heavy Sandbag

Warm Up: Heat the Pan
5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats
10 rounds for time

Workout: Old School Sweating Blood Strength Challenges

11) Harnessed sled bear crawl/push-up combo: Attach harness, weight will be relatively light (20-30kg), bear crawl 25M - 20 push ups - for 200M or 10 minutes

2) 2) Fat Rope with attached Kettlebell Rope Pulling for 10 minutes – attach rope to the kettlebell. Standing with a slight squat, pull the rope hand over hand until the Kettlebell reaches your feet. That equals one rep. Continue for as many reps as possible in a 10 minute time period and record your reps.

3) 3) 20KG Plate relay: take all the 20kg I have and pile them in one spot. Pick one or two at a time, jog them to the end line 15M away, keep going until all the plates are piled at the finish line. Repeat this work for 10 minutes non stop.

4) 4) One Kilometer (3 lap of Kensington) Sand Bag Walk – using a sandbag half of your bodyweight (no need to be perfect but get close to it), you are going to carry the sandbag for 1km without allowing the bag to touch the ground. Hold the bag any way you want In front of body or on the shoulder – push to your max, pick that bag up and haul ass!


Saturday 1st March 2008

Place: Cottesloe Beach (On the beach in front of Indianas)

Time: 7:30am

Equipment: KB (2x16, 20, 24)

Warm up: KB Complex

Workout: 30/30 intervals combined with swim around the pylon

30/30 intervals: 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of “rest” taken in a compromised position, repeated four times, 4 minutes total (per movement)

Swim around Cottesloe Pylon


30/30 Push-up (rest locked out at top, aka Forward Leaning Rest)


Swim around Cottesloe Pylon


30/30 KB Swing = Dead Hang (rest between KBS intervals is the Dead Hang)


Swim around Cottesloe Pylon


30/30 One Arm KB Push Press (rest is taken with KB held overhead with arms locked-out; switch hands after each rest)


Swim around Cottesloe Pylon


30/30 Squat (rest in bottom hold of squat, thighs parallel to floor)


Swim around Cottesloe Pylon

Scored by total number of reps, actual rest may be taken during work intervals because it reduces score, player must not fall out of position during “rest” intervals – the penalty is an extra round for every infraction. Also note time for each swim.

Friday, February 22, 2008


DAY 1 (Wednesdays)

KB complex for time

Sprint 3 x ladders, for time +
REST 5 mins
X2 (note second set of sprints to be done with back pack at 10% of BW (round off to nearest 5kg mark)

100 KB swings

75 push ups

50 get ups


tribute to our friend joel

i know i speak for ALL of us when i say what an absolute pleasure it has been to have trained with you my canadian friend!

what a great time we had, and have learnt friom eachother, you are definently ahead of your years in many ways my friend, i will treasure the times i spent with you trainining and sweating blood! you were and are an asset to the group and will be missed dearly, ur commitment (or lack there of at times) :) will be surely missed, i wish you peace, gracefullness and clarity of mind and heart so that you life feels at a balance, train hard in melbourne and if we can help you with anything, we are not far away...

be safe and take care of your body! focus, intent, persevirence, and sincerity will drive you forward to where you are meant to be...

best wishes, love
and sweat lots of blood

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wednesday 27th February 2008 - Zerchs Revenge

Location: Jacob's Ladder
Time: 17:15
Equipment: Kettlebells – 2 x 8; 2 x 12; 2 x 16; 2 x 20; 2 x 24; 1 x 32; 1 x 40; back pack; parallettes; timer

Warm up:Kokoda Run

Exercise Circuit
KB one armed row
Goblet squat with kettlebell
Parallette pushups with backpack on back
KB Deadlift to row
KB "bench" press
1 minute each for maximum reps. A 30 second break in the routine at the end of each circuit. Timer to sound every 60 seconds.
Repeat circuit 5 times

Kokoda run

Cool down
2 ladder rotations

Saturday 23rd February 2008

Session Name: F.Up Canadian 2

Time: 7:00AM

Place: Top of Jacobs

Equipment: KB (16, 20, 24), SB (heavy, light, chains)


Endurance Session:
Jacobs/Kadoka scratch race
Rod 16 minutes
Damon 12 1/2 minutes
Grover 13 minutes
Stef 10 1/2 minutes
Joel 10 1/2 minutes

when the last person arrives immediately start the following sequence -
1 x Jacobs ladder (alternate: light sb, chains, free, heavy sb)
50 x KB movement (alternate: swing, push press, KB Jerk, KB full clean)
1 x lunge up to roundabout
4 rounds

then immediately 1 x reverse Kokoda

Need to complete the entire session in less time than the Wednesdays session

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Wednesday 20 February 2008

Session Name: F.Up Canadian

Time: 5:00PM

Place: Top of Jacobs

Equipment: KB (16, 20, 24), SB (heavy, light, chains)

Endurance Session:
Jacobs/Kadoka scratch race
Rod 16 minutes
Damon 12 1/2 minutes
Grover 13 minutes
Stef 10 1/2 minutes
Joel 10 1/2 minutes

when the last person arrives immediately start the following sequence -

1 x Jacobs ladder (alternate: light sb, chains, free, heavy sb)
50 x KB movement (alternate: swing, push press, KB Jerk, KB full clean)
1 x lunge up to roundabout
4 rounds

then immediately 1 x reverse Kakoka

Need to specify with the group a commitment to complete the entire session within a certain time period

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Are you man enough for this workout

Checkout this link

"Think you have what it takes to be a Marine? Watch their intense combat training program and learn the 4 rules of building a strong, powerful body that's ready for any challenge."

Sunday 17 February 2008

Location: Jacob's Ladder
Time: 16:00
Equipment: Kettlebells - 2 x 12; 2 x 16; 2 x 20; 2 x 24; parallettes; 10 kg medicine ball; timer

Warm up:
Kokoda Run (Secondary metric applies) - see * below

Exercise Circuit 1:
Lunge with kettlebell
Parallette pushups
Bunny hops with medicine ball
Kettlebell swing
- 1 minute each for maximum reps except Run which is for 30 seconds. A 30 second break in the routine follows the 30 second run. Timer to sound every 30 seconds.

Repeat circuit 5 times

Exercise Circuit 2
Pull ups (circuit)
5 minutes

Kokoda run
(Primary metric applies) - see ** below

Cool down
2 ladder rotations

* Secondary metric - this run must be within 1 minute of personal best
** Primary metric - this run must be quicker than the warm up run

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Wednesday 13th February 2008

Location: Jacobs Ladder
Time: 5pm
Equipment: Parallettes, Sandbags: Light = 15kg, Medium = 25kg, Heavy = 35kg, Heavier = 40kg, Super heavy = 45 – 50kg

Ladder Work:
1 x ladder sprint +
1 x ladder frog jumping +
25 paralette push ups +
25 dips +
1 x sprint up short hill
4 – 5 rounds nonstop (depending on time)

Sandbag Relay:
To be done on the flat where foreign ministers homes are, around the corner from the ladder.
Sprint 30m with each bag: light, medium, heavy, heavier, super heavy, to complete one set5 sets of sprints each, active recovery of hovers whilst other person returns

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Sunday 10th February 2008 – The Speedo Session

Location: Port Beach

Time: 8am

Equipment: 2x12kg KB, 2x16kg KB, 2x20kg KB, 2x24kg KB, 2 x parallette’s, bathers and goggles

Warm up: KB Complex

Workout 1
Warm up easy swim (about 50-100 meters out)
1 x leg Pyramid
1 x hands Pyramid

Workout 2
Group 1: 15 pushups on parallette’s, 10 Burpees, 10 KB raises
Group 2:
· Run (max effort) through water till too deep, lifesaver style
· Swim 2 x 25 meters (max effort): polo down, wall turnaround, head down freestyle back
· Run back to group (max effort)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Wednesday 6th February 2008 - Kings Park

Location: DNA Tower
Time: 5pm

Equipment: 2x12kg KB, 2x16kg KB, 2x20kg KB, 2x24kg KB, 2xsmall SB, 2xsmall (2.5kg?) med balls

Throwing (dodge & catch) small medicine ball
10 minutes

2 or 3 groups, size irrelevant as long as there is enough equipment
Workout 1
Group 1: run 300m, rest until last in group returns
Group 2: 8 KB push press (4 each arm) followed by static rack hold until last runner returns
[Group 3: tabata pushups]
20 minutes

Workout 2
Group 1: run 150m with sandbag, rest until last in group returns
Group 2: 15 KB pushups
[Group 3: 15 med ball crunch @ 5m distance]
20 minutes

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Sunday 3rd February 2008 - The Long March

Time: 7:00AM

Place: Top of Jacobs

Equipment: Backpack weighted with 25% BW


Endurance Session: The Long March

Simple - Backpack on -Down Jacobs, Up Jacobs, Down Mount St, Up Mount St

Not so simple - Max rounds in 2 hours